kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices does not list AirPlay sound output device

The device listing core-audio API kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices does not list Airplay device if virtual-audio-driver is selected as sound output device in System settings. This virtual audio driver is developed by us and is named as BoomAudio.

We need to select BoomAudio in System Settings Sound output so that we can get system audio and apply Boom effects/enhancement. But whenever BoomAudio is selected as sound output, we cannot get Airplay device in device-list API and hence cannot play-through to AirPlay sound output device.


  1. Select BoomAudio as Sound output in System Settings. (The issue occurs if any other sound output device like Headphone/Internal Speakers is selected)

If AppleTV is connected then we should not AirPlay the system-display. Only Sound output of System should be Airplayed.

  1. Build and run the sample project that we have attached “SampleAirplayAudio

  2. Click on the button “Sound Output Device List”.

Output: In the console of Xcode, Airplay device does not get listed.

BoomAudio can be installed from the following path: https://d3jbf8nvvpx3fh.cloudfront.net/gdassets/airplaydts/Boom+2+Installer.zip

The sample project 'SampleAirplayAudio' is available at this path: https://d3jbf8nvvpx3fh.cloudfront.net/gdassets/airplaydts/SampleAirplayAudio.zip

We have already raised Bug report at Feedback Assistant Apple and the bug id is: FB7543204

kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices does not list AirPlay sound output device