Deep Link to Files app

Is there a system deep link URI to the built in files app? I would like to direct users to my apps location in the files app. For example files://myApp

The only exposed deep links for system I can find are the ones for mail, sms, FaceTime etc.

Thank you

(tag used for post was because I couldn’t find a deep link tag)

No, there isn’t.

File a bug, ha ha ha.

I couldn’t find a deep link tag

There is Universal Links, but that’s not entirely accurate because your focus is on URL schemes. For URL schemes I recommend Core Services, which is vague but at least it’s something I track (-:

You’re asking about iOS, right? Because on macOS we have the activateFileViewerSelecting(_:) method an NSWorkspace.

I have some general advice on this topic in this post, and the posts its links to. AFAIK none of the documented schemes do what you want. I recommend that you file a bug requesting an iOS equivalent to the above-mentioned NSWorkspace API.

IMPORTANT Don’t ask for NSWorkspace as a whole. That’s unlikely to happen on iOS. Rather, focus on that specific API.

Please post your bug number, just for the record.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""


Deep Link to Files app