landscape support

I heard someone say recently that not supporting landscape on iPhone could be an accessibility problem for some folks. Right now I've got an SwiftUI app were lots of things break when I go to landscape mode. Is there a good resource to learn how to animate layouts around to support landscape when there's no way it will fit with the default twist?

I asked about this in a WWDC24 lab. I didn't get any real recognition that this is a big accessibility problem. They did recommend NOT creating 2 layouts that shift completely when going from portrait to landscape as that would be very disorienting. SwiftUI by design is meant to flow naturally when shifting orientation. Essentially the answer was: work on constraining and spacing things to fit as best as you can.

The impression I get is: If you have to lock your app to one orientation or the other that's probably fine. There are some very highly regarded apps that do that.

landscape support