SwiftUI pushWindow debug

In my case, I open an immersiveSpace and windowGroupA together. When I successfully push a new windowGroupB from windowGroupA, dismissing windowGroupB should return me to windowGroupA. However, this fails, and windowGroupA remains in the background scenePhase. I tried closing immersiveSpace, and it worked successfully. Therefore, pushWindow cannot be used when immersiveSpace is open.

Hey @Zohar2023,

Thanks for your post. I was able to reproduce this issue and filed a bug with the engineering team. This is a known issue (130278516).

Even though we're aware of this issue, we still encourage you to open a bug report, and post the FB number here once you do. The specific info you include in your bug report might help our investigation, as well as allows you to get notified when it is resolved. Bug Reporting: How and Why? explains how you can open a bug report.



SwiftUI pushWindow debug