Caller does not have kTCCServiceVoiceBanking access to personal voices. No speech will be generated

Hello, I'm trying to leverage PersonalVoice to read a phrase in my iOS application. My implementation works correctly on an iPhone 15, but does not work when I run the iOS application on an M2 Macbook Air.

Here are some snippets from my implementation

// This is how I request Personal Voice
AVSpeechSynthesizer.requestPersonalVoiceAuthorization() { status in
    if status == .authorized {
        var personalVoices = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices().filter { $0.voiceTraits.contains(.isPersonalVoice) }

// this is how I'm attempting to read
let utterance = AVSpeechUtterance(string:textToRead)
if let voice = personalVoices.first {
    utterance.voice = voice
var synthesizer = AVSpeechSynthesizer()

I get the following error messages when I try this:

Cannot use AVSpeechSynthesizerBufferCallback with Personal Voices, defaulting to output channel.

Caller does not have kTCCServiceVoiceBanking access to personal voices. No speech will be generated

Voice not allowed to render speech! Will not set up synthesizer. Bailing now

Any suggestions on how to mitigate this issue?

Caller does not have kTCCServiceVoiceBanking access to personal voices. No speech will be generated