How to embed SwiftData model container in a custom file package document type

Hi all, I have done a lot of research on this but am not able to come up with a workable solution.


I am trying to make an universal app on macOS/iOS that organizes media (image/video/pdf); think of its functionality like Apple's Photos app. So for my app document type, I would have my custom file package and within the package folder, there would be a SwiftData model container file and folders to hold user media.

Approaches taken:

  1. DocumentGroup with SwiftData model then write directly into the file package

In my App scene, I create document by having DocumentGroup(editing: .customDocument, migrationPlan: CustomMigrationPlan.self). This will create a document with a model container with my SwiftData model. And when I need to add media files into the document, I get the URL of the document, then use FileManager to write the file into the desired folder in the document. The result is that the media file is saved in the file package but then the SwiftData container is corrupted (all model data is reset to empty.)

I am now trying to: 2. DocumentGroup with custom file package then try to embed SwiftData container

In my current approach, I would create a document by having DocumentGroup(newDocument: CustomFileDocument()). I have custom FileDocument and FileWrapper. But the problem is I don't know how to embed a SwiftData container into my FileDocument. Is it possible to create a SwiftData model container when my FilerWrapper initialize? I can't figure out how to do this.

Can anyone please advice on how I should accomplish this? Or if maybe I am looking at this problem wrongly? Do I need to use AppKit/UIKit with Core Data because it's currently not possible with SwiftUI/SwiftData?

Thank you so much for reading and any input is greatly appreciated.

How to embed SwiftData model container in a custom file package document type