iOS 18 beta bug(Dictation)

About half the time or more when dictating text, if dictation mode is manually deactivated immediately when done speaking the last word is duplicated.

For example, if you dictate a text message (without using Siri) using the microphone button on the keyboard and are dictating a text message to someone by saying, ‘I’m on my way, be there soon.’ and hit send or stop the dictation as soon as you are done talking the dictated text will read. ‘I’m on my way, Be there soon soon.’

-currently running iOS 18, beta 1 and I’ve experienced this multiple times.

Please file a bug report using the Feedback Assistant tool to upload additional information about your issue including logs from the device,

After you create your report, reply here with the Feedback ID so I can take a look


Also having this same issue, now on Beta 2.

I found this post after google searching for the issue

iOS 18 beta bug(Dictation)