Saving edited PDFs directly to application from QuickLook

I'm stuck on a problem where I need to be able to have the same editing capabilities as in .quickLookPreview and be able to save the edited file to the application with the "Done" button.

So, in nutshell, I need to implement the same functionality many other applications provide including Apple's Files.

However with .quickLookPreview I don't get the ability to save edited files directly to the application, and I've had no luck finding help from the internet (thus this question).

Perhaps somebody has implemented this before and could give me a lead somewhere?

PS. I'm trying to find a solution without any third party libraries

Answered by toke0 in 795321022

It appears this feature is only available via QLPreviewController. Related:

Accepted Answer

It appears this feature is only available via QLPreviewController. Related:

Saving edited PDFs directly to application from QuickLook