Fastlane Gym export with auto sign always uses Release bundle ID

I am using the below fastfile script for my auto signed app.

lane :build_and_deploy do
    api_key = app_store_connect_api_key(
        key_id: "XXXX",
        issuer_id: "***",
        key_filepath: "/Users/runner/AuthKey_XXXX.p8"

            #scheme: scheme,
            skip_package_ipa: true,
            export_method: 'development',
            xcargs: '-allowProvisioningUpdates -onlyUsePackageVersionsFromResolvedFile -parallelizeTargets CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION=9840 MARKETING_VERSION=2.0.7 -authenticationKeyID XXXX -authenticationKeyIssuerID *** -authenticationKeyPath /Users/runner/AuthKey_XXXX.p8'

        archive_path = lane_context[SharedValues::XCODEBUILD_ARCHIVE]
            archive_path: archive_path,
            skip_build_archive: true,
            project: "helloSports.xcodeproj",
            scheme:  "helloSports",
            clean: true,
            xcargs: '-allowProvisioningUpdates -disableAutomaticPackageResolution -authenticationKeyID XXXX -authenticationKeyIssuerID *** -authenticationKeyPath /Users/runner/AuthKey_XXXX.p8',
            skip_package_dependencies_resolution: true,

            #export_method: "app-store",
            export_method: "development",

I can understand for "app-store" export method the release bundle ID can be used, but for "development" bundle ID shouldn't the debug bundle ID be used? or in other words when will the debug bundle ID be used for exporting anyway??

Fastlane Gym export with auto sign always uses Release bundle ID