How to change selected tab title color in iPadOS 18?

I applied image tint color to TabBar. It works fine when I decrease the window width using stage manager. Also it shows proper in iPhone.

But it doesn't show orange title in compact style.

I also tried below things:

self.tabBar.tintColor = .orange
self.tabBar.unselectedItemTintColor = .gray

The only solution is to set AccentColor in Assets.xcassets. But what if I want to change different color than AccentColor?

Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 795009022

The iPad tab bar's tint color can be customized by setting the tintColor property on UITabBarController's view.

Accepted Answer

The iPad tab bar's tint color can be customized by setting the tintColor property on UITabBarController's view.

How to change selected tab title color in iPadOS 18?