Regression: Autocorrect suggestions sometimes eat touch events

If Autocorrect is showing a potential correction, sometimes tapping elsewhere in the UI causes the suggestion to be accepted, but the touch event is not passed to the tapped view.

A screen recording from a sample app demonstrating the issue is available here. I first type "Coffee", which does not show an autocorrect suggestion and then I tap on a table row, which successfully shows an alert. I then type "Coffeesc", which shows an autocorrect suggestion. Then when I tap on one of the table rows, the autocorrect suggestion is accepted, but our implementation of tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: is not called and no alert is shown.

The issue began in iOS 17.1 and only occurred when the Predictive Text switch in Settings -> General -> Keyboard was OFF. However, the issue still occurs in iOS 18 beta 3 and now I'm able to reproduce the issue when the Predictive Text switch is ON.

I filed FB13418977 about the issue back in November (including the sample project shown in the video that reproduces the issue), but there have been no comments from Apple in the bug report. I initiated a code-level support request in April, but was told DTS did not have a workaround and that I should just continue to follow the bug report for updates.

This bug impacts the primary text field in our app, but since Predictive Text is enabled by default, it hasn't impacted a large number of our customers on iOS 17. And for users that were impacted, we were able to tell them to enable Predictive Text as a workaround until the bug is fixed.

With the issue occurring even when Predictive Text is ON in the iOS 18 betas, the text field is now nearly impossible to use. The only workaround I can think of is turning off autocorrect for that text field, but that isn’t a great solution, as it leads to a significant increase in typos when the user types multiple words.

We would desperately like for this to be fixed in iOS 18, but if someone at Apple could please look at FB13418977 and at least provide us with an update or potential workaround, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and please let me know if you need any additional information.

Regression: Autocorrect suggestions sometimes eat touch events