Keyboard bug in MacOS

Keyboard selection is inconsistent, and I believe it's a bug - it's definitely not a behavior I would expect or have seen in any well-respected editor that comes with custom key bindings.

The problem is that Cmd+Shift+Right/Left selects the text by expanding the selection to the end/start of the line without ever deselecting the text if the cursor goes over existing selection.

The above behavior is opposite of selection by word via Option+Shift+Right/Left which has the right behavior.

This behavior exists in all apps that don't come with custom selection behavior. For example, Google Chrome, TextEdit, Slack, etc.

I spent a long time with Apple Support to fix this because this behavior doesn't work for me in XCode and it can be frustrating at times because I often have to use mouse which I don't like.

Can anyone help me improve this please?

If I understand correctly what you want, the shortcut is shift+Right/Left, without Cmd. I tested in Xcode.

Thanks for the quick response.

Not really. I want command with Cmd because Shift+Right/Left moves cursor by one (and does what I expect it to do just fine).

I want to go to the end of line and apply the same effect as if I press Shift+Right until the cursor gets to the end of the line.

Please file a report if you feel that this behavior is bugged. You can use the Feedback Assistant tool to upload additional information about your issue including logs from the device,

After you create your report, reply here with the Feedback ID so I'll make sure the right people are aware of this issue

Keyboard bug in MacOS