Location requested in WeatherService monthlyStatistics() does NOT match the location in the response

We pass a CLLocation to the new WeatherService monthlyStatistics() BUT in the returned metadata the CLLocation data does NOT match what we sent in the request.

For example, send lat -27.1480114 long -109.4273371 in the monthly stat request and get back data for lat -27.148000717163086, long -109.427001953125.

There’s no mention in the documentation of the returned location being “close to” the requested location. If this is working as designed how close are the results allowed to be? In my small sample they seem to be around 45-55 meters away. I’m considering less than 100 meters away to be a match, but don’t know if that’s correct.

Location requested in WeatherService monthlyStatistics() does NOT match the location in the response