TabletopKit sample code won't build on Xcode 16 beta 4

The TabletopKit sample app builds fine with Xcode 16 beta 1.

I updated to the new beta 4 and downloaded an updated version of the Tabletopkit sample code but am now getting this error.

Tabeletopkit Sample 1 issue
Main actor-isolated static method '_makeContent(content:inputs:resolved:)' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement
Add '@preconcurrency' to the 'ToolbarContent' conformance to defer isolation checking to run time
'_makeContent(content:inputs:resolved:)' declared here

If I go back to beta 1 it still builds OK. I tried its suggestion but it still won't build. Is there a workaround? I didn't see it listed.

Hey @kevingr,

This is a known issue with custom ToolbarContent in Beta 4 with Swift 6. You can either use Beta 3 or remove the GameToolbar from the sample code for the time being.

Hope this helps,


TabletopKit sample code won't build on Xcode 16 beta 4