Apple MapKit Js Token update

I might be being really ******, but I'm struggling to find a way to update the map kit token when it expires. We have a display that shows a map for a long time and for some reason the map stops loading and I think it's cause the token expires however I can't work out away to tell it to load a new token.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 802765022
Written by thomasdye in 762637021
I can't work out away to tell it to load a new token.

One way you can create new tokens through the Developer portal. You then need to deploy the new token to your service that uses MapKit JS.

—Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

Written by thomasdye in 762637021
I can't work out away to tell it to load a new token.

One way you can create new tokens through the Developer portal. You then need to deploy the new token to your service that uses MapKit JS.

—Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

Apple MapKit Js Token update