TvOS18 Simulator is crashing with collectionview dequeue

After updating Xcode to version-16 and TVOS Simulator to version-18, It started crashing at collectionview dequeue cell.

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Expected dequeued view to be returned to the collection view in preparation for display. When the collection view's data source is asked to provide a view for a given index path, ensure that a single view is dequeued and returned to the collection view. Avoid dequeuing views without a request from the collection view.

Only happening with tvOS18 simulator, it is working fine with tvos17 simulator and Real Device with TvOS18.

Having the same issue here, but on iOS 18. Issue did not happen on iOS 17 regardless of the app being built with Xcode 16 or Xcode 15.

Our engineering teams need to investigate this issue, as resolution may involve changes to Apple's software. I'd greatly appreciate it if you could open a bug report, include sample project, and post the FB number here once you do. Bug Reporting: How and Why? has tips on creating your bug report.


WWDR - DTS - Software Engineer

I'm getting a crash for decoration views somewhere inside UIKitCore which is definitely out of my control – the code doesn't dequeue or care about instantiation of decoration views at all – all it does is inserting the registered layout attributes in the flow layout subclass, the rest of it (instantiation of the registered view & queuing/dequeuing) is provided by UIKit.

I have a ton of crashes starting with iOS 18, not a single one on iOS 17 and prior. Call stack:

Thread 1: "*** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 4 beyond bounds [0 .. 3]"

#1	0x000000018039c67c in -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:] ()
#2	0x0000000185a9aa54 in -[_UICollectionViewSubviewManager dequeueReusableViewWithReuseIdentifier:elementKind:elementCategory:] ()
#3	0x00000001851bc3cc in -[UICollectionView _dequeueReusableViewOfKind:withIdentifier:forIndexPath:viewCategory:] ()
#4	0x00000001851a6ab4 in -[UICollectionView _createPreparedSupplementaryViewForElementOfKind:atIndexPath:layout:withLayoutAttributes:applyAttributes:] ()
#5	0x00000001851af69c in -[UICollectionView _createVisibleViewsForSingleCategoryAttributes:limitCreation:fadeForBoundsChange:] ()
#6	0x00000001851af824 in -[UICollectionView _createVisibleViewsForAttributes:fadeForBoundsChange:notifyLayoutForVisibleCellsPass:] ()
#7	0x00000001851ad9c4 in -[UICollectionView _updateVisibleCellsNow:] ()

Array index out of bounds. Definitely not an array in reach, very internal operations. This is also preceded by the following warning thrown into Console:

UICollectionView internal inconsistency: attempted to queue view that is already in the reuse queue. Collection view: <TripItineraryDayCollectionView: 0x146917400; baseClass = UICollectionView; frame = (0 0; 402 682); clipsToBounds = YES; autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x600000e5d770>; backgroundColor = UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 0 0; layer = <CALayer: 0x600000393440>; contentOffset: {0, 0}; contentSize: {402, 662}; adjustedContentInset: {0, 0, 0, 0}; layout: <TripItineraryDayViewLayout: 0x1463d6770>; dataSource: <TripItineraryDayView: 0x1463d6360; frame = (0 102; 402 682); clipsToBounds = YES; autoresize = W+H; backgroundColor = UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 0 0; layer = <CALayer: 0x6000003974a0>>>; view: <TransportLineDecorationView: 0x1059e51a0; baseClass = UICollectionReusableView; frame = (14 257; 54 69); userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x6000004180c0>>; layout attributes: <TransportDecorationViewLayoutAttributes: 0x1463e34a0; index path: (2-4); element kind: (TripItineraryDayTransportDecorationView); frame = (14 257; 54 69)>

Disabling the decoration views makes the crash go away.

Something has probably changed in iOS 18 which might have sense for cells (where providing the views in the delegate properly is mandatory) or supplementary views, yet it doesn't work really well with decoration views. It gives me the impression that supplementary and decoration views have been merged into one queue stack internally, but something's not right.

The same issue, Unfortunately, using Xcode 16.1 on a tvOS 18.1 device will crash: *** Assertion failure in -[UICollectionView _updateVisibleCellsNow:] UICollectionView.m:5673

Did any one found solution for it.

TvOS18 Simulator is crashing with collectionview dequeue