TestFlight Feedback Request: QR File Transfer App

Hello Developers,

I’ve recently developed an app called QR File Transfer, inspired by a real-world problem my wife faced at her workplace. With no access to Wi-Fi, transferring files between her iPhone and a Windows PC was a hassle. QR File Transfer solves this issue by creating a seamless, Wi-Fi-independent method to transfer photos, videos, or documents between iPhones and computers.

How it works: 1. Download the QR File Transfer app from the App Store. 2. Upload files in the app. 3. Use a QR code to establish a secure connection with a PC (via ios2web.com). • No login required, making it quick and user-friendly.

Why I’m here: I’m looking for your feedback to improve the app! • Does the app feel intuitive and efficient? • Are there any features you think are missing? • Any bugs or performance issues you encountered?

TestFlight Link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/P5UOcDLa

Your insights would be invaluable as I continue refining the app to meet user needs. I appreciate your time and support in helping make QR File Transfer the best it can be!

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