App alternative icon not working when archieve.

I add the following info in the build settings of my app. Then I also add the icon to my asset.

I build the app, it works normally, but I notice that when I changed the icon to 'AppIcon-Defaults', The icon change alert didn't appear. but it succeeds . I uploaded the archive to App Store I got:

ITMS-90895: Missing Icon - The Info.plist key CFBundleIcons.CFBundleAlternateIcons contains an entry “AppIcon-Defaults” that references asset “AppIcon-Defaults.” No such asset is present in the asset catalog.

Then I use xcrun --sdk iphoneos assetutil --info to check the assets inside the archieved app, It have the asset.

Found the problem, need to choose all size not single size.

I had the same issue, @SpaceGrey. You solved it by using "All Sizes", I solved it by staying at "Single Size" but replacing JPG with PNG.

App alternative icon not working when archieve.