Banking information continues to be processed for more than two months + lack of support

Hello! I really need someone's help!

At the end of August, I accepted the changes to the financial agreement. For some reason, this led to the re-processing of the banking information in my account in the AppStoreConnect.

And now, for two and a half months, I have been seeing a message in the "Business" section of the AppStoreConnect: "Your banking updates are processing, and you should see the changes in 24 hours. You won't be able to make any additional updates until then."

And now I can't change this information or add another bank account.

During all this time, Apple did not attempt to make payments to this bank account and my money just hung up without being able to withdraw it.

I tried to contact financial support several times, but all my requests went unanswered. Here is the ID of the last request, if it somehow speeds up the search for a solution: Case-ID: 10193100

Do you have any ideas what the problem might be and how I can fix this situation?


Does the support team actually work? I still haven’t received any response to my emails regarding the issue with payouts and the pending processing of my banking information.

This problem directly affects my ability to do business with Apple and receive payments for the apps published on the App Store.

I thought that since Apple earns a commission on all purchases made in our apps, at the very least, their financial support should operate with some level of reliability and responsibility.

I’m losing hope because I’m forced to just wait indefinitely and rely on the possibility that support will respond after months.


can you give information about the current situation? I have been waiting for this situation for about a week, and there has been no improvement yet.

If approved, how long did it take and did you take any additional action?

Banking information continues to be processed for more than two months + lack of support