My phone Apple ID not log in type for log in failed
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xin chào tôi muốn mã sử dụng Testflight hoặc một số trợ giúp để tôi có thể sử dụng testflight
I’m having trouble downloading my yahoo emails. I use the Mail function for all my email accounts. The Comcast emails seem to be downloading fine. I get the posix96 error. Is there a fix for this yet??
I am trying to create a phone app that can receive incoming call notifications using CallKit, as described in Apple's CallKit documentation.
Added the entitlement in my .entitlements file. Implemented CXProvider and set up the delegate methods (provider:perform: and providerDidReset). Added UIBackgroundModes with voip in Info.plist. Configured CXProviderConfiguration to support phone numbers.
I expected to receive incoming call notifications when my app was set as the default calling app. However, I am not receiving any notifications when an incoming call arrives.
How can I properly detect and handle incoming calls in my default calling app? Is there any additional configuration required for iOS 18.2+?
Dear Apple,
I am sending this review to tell you that with my new update. I am not a fan of the photos set up. I find it very confusing and find myself getting irritated very often and giving up after searching for an image… which is frustrating for many reasons including I need my camera roll for work often. please make adjustments with the newest update… please.
thank you, if anyone took the time to read this.
Ashton, a very sad customer
When using a VStack containing two TextFields inside a ScrollView on an iPad running iOS 18.0, the FocusState of the topmost TextField does not trigger, while the second TextField's FocusState works correctly. Adding an invisible TextField on top resolves the issue, but it appears to be a bug specifically in iOS 18.0 on iPads. This issue does not occur on iOS versions below or above 18.0 (including iOS 18.1).
Code that is not working
struct ContentView: View {
@State var text: String = ""
private var focusState: Bool
var body: some View {
ScrollView(.vertical, content: {
VStack(spacing: 0) {
TextField(text: $text) {
Text("Hello, World!")
.border(focusState ? : Color.gray)
.onChange(of: focusState) { oldValue, newValue in
.onChange(of: text) { oldValue, newValue in
focusState = true
Code that is working
struct ContentView: View {
@State var text: String = ""
private var focusState: Bool
var body: some View {
ScrollView(.vertical, content: {
VStack(spacing: 0) {
// Invisible Text Field
TextField("", text: .constant(""))
.frame(height: 0)
TextField(text: $text) {
Text("Hello, World!")
.border(focusState ? : Color.gray)
.onChange(of: focusState) { oldValue, newValue in
.onChange(of: text) { oldValue, newValue in
focusState = true
I am a startup founder based in India. Recently the iOS developer we were working with left the company in some what acrimonious circumstances.
Post his departure from the company, he has made it clear that he will try to cause damage to our iOS app to the extent that it starts to crash.
Even though we have removed his access, as a non tech founder, I am not sure what ways he can edit or hamper our iOS app and what measures we can take to protect the same.
Please advise us with steps for us to secure our code and ensure no one can edit the same or hamper our iOS app on the app store.
Thank you
I have the following questions that need official answers:
1: Whether the Bluetooth scanning cycle can be controlled through the software level. If it can be controlled, please tell me how to control it.
2: Now the IOS mobile phone scanning strategy, how long is the scanning cycle, and what is the scanning duty cycle in this scanning cycle
I have a iPhone 14 Pro Max device with iOS 18.2.1 but I am facing an in which the device gets restart abruptly.Interestingly, today the device is not restarting at all. I attempted a hard reset by pressing the volume up button, followed by the volume down button, and then holding the power button, but this method was unsuccessful. When I connect the device to a charger, the Apple logo appears, but it disappears after a short period, and the device does not progress beyond this point. I would appreciate any assistance in recovering my device.Has anyone experienced the same issue with the iPhone 14 series?
I have an old application. It worked at one time. Due to changes in the user environment, it is now possible to download applications from the AppStore. I built the app and sent it for review. And I received a report that my app crashed at startup. I tried to reproduce the fall for myself, but it didn't work out. In the crash log, I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the app. Please help me and tell me what I should look for in the log or in the application.
The crash location (which I found in the log):
_UIPathLazyImageAsset imageWithConfiguration
when i am on my hidden photos album in my iphone, not all the photos are shown, why?
Здравствуйте я хочу стать тестировщиком приложений App Store
Sometimes, when I close the lid using the MacOs version Sequoia 15.2, with the configuration to require a password for 5 seconds, the system does not ask for the password as expected.
This happens sometimes even though nothing preventing the system from sleeping when you close and open the lid, but it still seems like a security concern.
Is there some known issue related to this problem or a way to avoid it?
Result of command pmset -g:
The MacStudio has only one account on it, and that is of course an admin account. The password to this account is lost. The MacStudio has an association with my AppleID I log into with. To recover, this procedure was followed:
The recovery mode was entered by holding down the power key for 15 seconds.
In the options that appeared the "Forgot all passwords" option was clicked on.
I entered the same credentials I log into with. The credentials were accepted.
The shell was launched, and the in the shell the command "resetpasswords" entered.
The message: "If you don't know the password for any user on your Mac, you can deactivate your Mac and set new passwords for all users. An internet connection will be required to reactivate your Mac". Beneath this message there was in blue text: "Deactivate Mac".
I did not proceed after this because I was not sure what deactivation would mean for the files on the computer. On it there is code written in Swift that needs to be preserved. If the deactivation is done will the files be preserved, and be accessible? Or does a deactivation remove all files?
Hi, I'm struggling to access Keychain Access app on a brand new mac mini m4 pro running Sequoia 15.3.1.
After opening the app, I get a prompt to enter the current password; after I enter the correct password the first time, the prompt opens again.
I enter the correct password again and the app terminates.
I've checked Console and Keychain Access process logged:
Initial auth failed: Error Code=-1000 "ACM policy evaluation succeeded, but ACM is still requesting 1:1, 3:1, 15:1 on ACMContext 111 after a retry." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=ACM policy evaluation succeeded, but ACM is still requesting 1:1, 3:1, 15:1 on ACMContext 111 after a retry., NSLocalizedDescription=Authentication failure., BiometryType=1}
void _NSDisableAutomaticTerminationAndLog(NSString *) Terminating
Attempting sudden termination (1st attempt)
App termination approved
I've also tried to update the password of my user but Keychain doesn't accept the new password.
I used spotlight search for almost everything I do through cmd+space. However ever since i updated my laptop to MacOS Sequoia 15.3.1, the spotlight search won't give me app results:
for example i type "flux" and will get just web-based results, not the app. I tried going into the spotlight settings and only enabling applications to be searched for results and got nothing. I tried the same with the Notes app, i get the same result, i get some notes i wrote as result but not the actual app.
It doesn't happen on all apps for example Brave or Spotify work.
I wish to have all spotlight services stopped on my MacBook, however with turning all options off in the settings and also the "Help Apple Improve Search" option, however the option turns back on whenever there is a restart on the laptop as well as background services running. How can I disable this permanently?
I have tried to following as well:
sudo mdutil -a -i off
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
sudo rm /Library/Preferences/
sudo launchctl disable system/
However with ps aux | grep -E "mds|Spotlight|corespotlightd" it still shows spotlight related services running:
User1 73830 0.0 0.0 410741568 1680 s018 S+ 11:58am 0:00.00 grep -E mds|Spotlight|corespotlightd
root 3170 0.0 0.0 410682288 4816 ?? Ss 20Jan25 4:28.08 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds_stores
root 3168 0.0 0.0 427023376 14864 ?? Ss 20Jan25 33:53.97 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Support/mds
User1 593 0.0 0.1 434378432 45456 ?? S 20Jan25 14:00.32 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/corespotlightd
What else can I try in order to stop these and to stay shut off after turning my laptop on and off again?
Hello, why is apple won’t adding Just-In-Time compiler to ”Emulators” in the app store. And/or hypervisor for newer devices.
i feel like UTM (which is a PC Emulator) or other Apps that emulate need JIT to work properly, and will consume significantly less battery to emulate/virtualize, And will have a noticeably better performance than just not enabling JIT, and by the way jit is already being used on iPadOS/iOS 18.3/18.3.1 and newer/older version of that so being enabled by the choice of the developer of the App is more convenient than doing it with tools.
and by the why apple wont let emulators on iPads and newer iPhones do hypervisor, it’s better than JIT but requires a good cpu, like making it available to people with newer/powerful devices, hypervisor is better than JIT by a lot and removing it in iPadOS/iOS 18.4 was an unnecessary choice?, becuase it had a better potential in virtualization instead of emulating, and I feel like enabling it In M1-M2 iPads and A14-18pro and newer devices is just better from having it disabled, to unlock the fullest potential of the iPad it needs to have a app or something to do instead of just running high graphics games/or Apps.