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apple watch ultra battery draining fast on OS11.3.1
Hi, my apple watch ultra updated to OS 11.3.1(22S560) and now my battery only lasts about 4hrs from 100% it's paired with a Iphone 16pro on OS 18.3.2 Before update my watch lasted 2.5-3 days without charging, now I have to charge 3 times a day. I have turned off app refresh, live activities, and have put in low power mode. can anybody help please
RxSwift Driver got fatal error in Swift Testing because it is not called form main thread.
Hi, I'm trying the new Swift Testing instead of XCTest for my new project. I am using RxSwift+UIKit. And when I am trying to test my ViewModel that has a Driver in it, it crashes due to the driver is not being called form main thread. Thread 5: Fatal error: `drive*` family of methods can be only called from `MainThread`. Here is the test code: struct PlayerViewModelTest { @Test func testInit_shouldPopulateTable_withEmpty() async throws { // Arrange let disposeBag = DisposeBag() var expectedSongTableCellViewData: [SongTableCellViewData]? // Act let sut = PlayerViewModel(provideAllSongs: { return .just(mockSongList) }, provideSongByArtist: { _ in return .just(mockSongList) }, disposeBag: disposeBag) sut.populateTable .drive(onNext: { expectedSongTableCellViewData = $0 }) .disposed(by: disposeBag) // Assert #expect(expectedSongTableCellViewData != nil, "Should emit something so it should not be nil") #expect(expectedSongTableCellViewData!.isEmpty, "Should emit empty array") } } This never happen in XCTest. So I assume Swift Testing is not being run in the main thread? How do I fix this? Thanks
Files Can’t Be Accessed
I am trying to open items saved to my files and keep receiving this notification every time I do so, “The operation couldn't be completed. (NSFileProvider- ErrorDomain error -2005.)” What does this mean and how do I fix it? I have a 256 gb phone so I know storage is not an issue. Please help as I have files saved to my phone and not anywhere else.
Mail server connection problem.
Hello, i am currently running iOS 18.4 Public Beta (22E5232a) on an iPhone 16 Pro and i have problems with getting emails in the native mail app. i cannot receive any email from some of my email addresses. there is an “account error“ message that says: “Cannot get mail, The connection to the server failed.” When i enter my password again in settings it works for 1-2 days then stop working. On my iPhone X running iOS 16.7.10 it works perfectly. Only bugs on my iPhone 16 Pro.
find my crashing
im on ios 18.3.2 but this has been happening to me since I updated to ios 18 I think. every time I try to open find my, it opens and then after a few seconds it crashes. and then my phone bugs out for a few minutes then everything goes back to normal. is there any way to fix this? i wanna be able to find my devices without my app crashing 😭.
[iPadOS 18.4 PB 4] Magic Keyboard Not Registeting Touchpad or Mouse Clicks across OS
Hardware: iPad Pro 11" (M2 Version) Software: iPadOS 18.4 Beta 4 (most recent as of 2025-03-24) Got an interesting one today that I am curious if anyone else has run into, and sadly it’s one that does affect my iPad use a lot! I use the Magic Keyboard 11” on mine. After upgrading to the Public Beta 4 last night, the keyboard works fine, the trackpad shows my grey dot on the screen and even indicates that it recognizes a trackpad click by that grey dot changing slightly. However, the actual click, nor scrolling, actually works in any way shape or form. The only gesture I’ve seen work up to this point is the three-finger motion to change applications, that’s it. I have two iPad’s, and two keyboards, and it does not matter which keyboard one I use, which confirms that it’s likely a software issue of some sort. Other reason that’s the case? Hooking up an external trackball and the same behavior happens. Anyone else run into this?
How to cancel jio airfiber connection?
To cancel your jio Airfiber request, you typically need to contact Jio customer support either through their hotline 0881-304-9350 or online chat service. They will guide you through the cancellation process and may require some information from you through the cancellation..
The iPad software keyboard becomes impossible to show programmatically when an external keyboard is connected.
When an external keyboard is connected to the iPad, the software keyboard often becomes hidden and cannot be made to show again programmatically. Help! Is there a way to programmatically get the software keyboard to re-appear when an external keyboard is connected without clicking 'Show Keyboard' from the Keyboard Shortcuts menu-item button? Its corner-casey for sure, (with our own keyboard extension) we have a sub-view that is added to the software keyboard view under a certain use case. When the user has an external keyboard connected, everything is fine until the app is backgrounded. When the app is re-foregrounded the software keyboard often becomes hidden (what the user now sees is a keyboard shortcut menu-item group w/a keyboard button and a mic button.) This makes it impossible for the user to interact with the subview we added (because it is hidden), unless the user manually shows the software keyboard again by clicking "Show Keyboard" from the keyboard shortcut. The software keyboard view is still the 'firstResponder' (accepting key strokes, etc), we just cannot find a way to programmatically make it visible again. Sigh.
March 2025. I’ve reached a point where so much about the Apple ecosystem is broken that I have stopped caring. My lights stopped working properly in HomeKit shortly after the last update. They work in the Wiz native app but not HomeKit. Device automations are now spotting and random; bad when they are alarms. When Apple was less, it was more. I have an iPhone 12 and see no reason to upgrade. Why pay a premium for suboptimal products and services. Anyone notice that calls to Apple Support are now fielded by non-professionals? I’ve asked. Just random applicants, typing my question(s) into Safari for solutions. No idea why government is getting cut when private is t any better. Humans are on a downward slope.
Issue with App Store Server Notifications V2 - Notification Ordering Problem
We are currently listening to App Store Server Notifications V2 and have encountered an issue with notification ordering. Specifically, there are instances where Apple sends the DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_STATUS notification before the INITIAL_BUY notification. This leads to a situation where we are unable to process the cancellation of a transaction that is unknown to us at the time of the renewal status change. Could you please clarify why this occurs? If this is a bug, could you kindly address it and implement a fix? Below, I have included examples that illustrate the issue. These examples I obtained using the Notification History API, which may help in troubleshooting. bundleId: case 1: originalTransactionId 350002410***633 DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_STATUS - ‘2025-03-05T00:47:05.900Z’ INITIAL_BUY - ‘2025-03-05T00:47:40.728Z’ case 2: originalTransactionId 420002297***345 DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_STATUS - ‘2025-03-03T11:43:54.006Z’ INITIAL_BUY - ‘2025-03-03T11:43:56.437Z’ case 3: originalTransactionId 150002224***082 DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_STATUS - ‘2025-03-02T05:15:36.610Z’ INITIAL_BUY - ‘2025-03-02T05:15:52.666Z’
Introducing myself
Hello! I just realized thaty I had signed up for this developer account some time ago without making any meaningful attempt to introduce myself other than attending a few of the Apple meetups at NeurIPS and ICML conferences. As a quick introduction I come from a background in open source development, most notably associated with the "Automunge" python library for dataframe encodings / missing data infill. I also have some background supporting Apple in context of volunteering as an executive officer for an IEEE Standards Association working group developing floating point arithmetic / data types for machine learning. Beyond that have been a dedicated user with frequent product feedback to various channels over the years. I am currently self employed and focussing on building an IP portfolio and investing. I am always open to share dialogue as to how to help advance the field, hope that I might get a chance to meet a few more of this communty at some point. Best regards, Nicholas Teague
Genmoji not working
Genmoji app is not working. It will not allow me to select myself. It will choose other people when I prompt with “me”. it will not allow me to add other people in my “photos” app to use in the genmoji app
Merge 2 Apple IDs
Now that Apple is allowing users to merge two Apple IDs, how does one remove/delete songs from the Primary Apple ID music library? Is it a no-no to merge two Apple IDs? The notes on merging suggest this is a problem but offer no workaround. The only option I can see is to hide songs. Is this sufficient to allow the merging of two Apple IDs?