Image Playground not available for "Designed for iPad" apps?

I'm currently trying to add support for Image Playground to our apps. It seems that it's not working in an app that is "Designed for iPad" and runs on a Mac. The modal just shows a spinner and the following is logged to console:

Private sandbox for : <none>
Private sandbox for : <none>
Private sandbox for : <none>
Private sandbox for : <none>
GP extension could not be loaded: Extension (platform: 2) could not be found (in update)
dealloc Query controller [C32BA176-6A3E-465D-B3C5-0F8D91068B89]

ImagePlaygroundViewController.isAvailable returns true, however.

In a "real" Mac Catalyst app, it's working. Just not when the app is actually an iPad app.

Is this a bug?

Hi @FrankSchlegel,

I'm assuming you're testing on a device where Apple Intelligence has been enabled in Settings, correct?

Assuming that is the case, can you share a focused sample project that demonstrates the issue so that we can investigate?



Hi J,

Thanks for the response!

Yes, Apple Intelligence is enabled on my Mac. When I run the app as "real" Mac Catalyst app, it's actually working.

I filed FB16077581 for this, including a very minimal sample project.

The following should be enough when added to a new iOS app project:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var playgroundVisible = false

    var body: some View {
        Button(action: { playgroundVisible.toggle() }, label: {
            Label("Show Image Playground", systemImage: "apple.image.playground")
        .imagePlaygroundSheet(isPresented: $playgroundVisible) { url in
            print("Image generated: \(url)")

I'm also running into a similar issue.

I am writing a native macOS app, and I'm trying to integrate image playground functionality.

For some reason, the "Done" button in the sheet presented is always disabled.

I'm getting the same error messages as above:

Private sandbox for : <none>
Private sandbox for : <none>
Private sandbox for : <none>
Private sandbox for : <none>
dealloc Query controller [A338C8B6-FEB3-4F95-AD86-621274A9C2C6]

I submitted FB16079255 and it's now saying "Potential fix identified, for a future OS update". Hopefully it will be fixed in macOS 15.4.

Image Playground not available for "Designed for iPad" apps?