I can’t view energy reports in the Xcode Organizer. I keep getting the message “An error occurred while downloading energy reports. Please provide a valid value”
Feedback ID: FB16595567
I've been seeing a high number of BGTaskScheduler related crashes, all of them coming from iOS 18.4. I've encountered this myself once on launch upon installing my app, but haven't been able to reproduce it since, even after doing multiple relaunches and reinstalls. Crash report attached at the bottom of this post.
I am not even able to symbolicate the reports despite having the archive on my MacBook:
Does anyone know if this is an iOS 18.4 bug or am I doing something wrong when scheduling the task? Below is my code for scheduling the background task on the view that appears when my app launches:
.onChange(of: scenePhase) { newPhase in
if newPhase == .active {
#if !os(macOS)
let request = BGAppRefreshTaskRequest(identifier: "notifications")
request.earliestBeginDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .hour, value: 3, to: Date())
do {
try BGTaskScheduler.shared.submit(request)
Logger.notifications.log("Background task scheduled. Earliest begin date: \(request.earliestBeginDate?.description ?? "nil", privacy: .public)")
} catch let error {
// print("Scheduling Error \(error.localizedDescription)")
Logger.notifications.error("Error scheduling background task: \(error.localizedDescription, privacy: .public)")
I noticed the time sensitive entitlement says it's only for iOS and macOS. But without the entitlement, the time sensitive toggle doesn't show in my app's notification settings on visionOS.
When I archive my visionOS app for App Store Connect, the entitlement seems to be taken out as it doesn't show in my entitlement list for the build in App Store Connect.
I'm confused at this point if the entitlement is really necessary, since it seems to be needed to debug on the simulator at least. I don't have a physical device to test it on unfortunately.
I don't have any Apple TV apps. Somehow, I see a few downloads of my app on Apple TV. As far as I understand, Apple TV cannot run anything other than apps made for the tvOS platform. So I'm confused why I'm seeing this in my analytics.
I have a Safari extension which allows the user to load their own homepage upon opening a new tab. The extension works by retrieving the homepage URL from UserDefaults and then redirecting to it using window.location.replace. In iOS 18, if the homepage is unable to be loaded due to, for example the user having no internet connection, Safari will go into an rapid loading loop, which eventually stops after a while. This is unlike iOS 17, where trying to reproduce the same scenario will end up with a Safari error page, which should be the expected behaviour.
In short, instead of Safari going into an infinite loading loop, it should display a Safari error page like iOS 17 does.
As this issue is only happening on iOS 18, I am almost certain it's an iOS bug and would appreciate if this can be fixed as soon as possible.
I have created a Feedback Assistant report with ID FB15853821, which contains a sysdiagnose file from my iPhone 16 Pro, as well as two videos, one from my iPhone 16 Pro with iOS 18.2 beta 3 and the other video showing a comparison between iOS 18 and 17. Both videos first show the extension functioning correctly with an active internet connection, but when I disable my internet, the iOS 18 Safari goes into an infinite loop.
Here are the steps to reproduce the issue:
Download the Homepage for Safari app from the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/homepage-for-safari/id6481118559
Enter any valid homepage URL, such as https://apple.com and tap Save
Go to Settings -> Apps -> Safari -> Extensions -> Homepage and enable the extension
Make sure Open New Tabs is set to “Homepage”
Turn off both WiFi and cellular data and attempt to open a new tab in Safari
Please note that this also happens with iOS 18.2 beta 4.
I use the write-review query parameter in my App Store URL to bring up the review prompt in the App Store app:
(0123456789 is just an example ID, obviously replace that with your app ID)
This is exactly what is supposed to be done as per the documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/requesting_app_store_reviews#4312600
However, on macOS it just opens the product page as if I never put the query parameter in the URL. It works fine on iOS 18.2.
I am using macOS 15.2 beta 3 (24C5079e)
Feedback ID: FB15866683
I noticed I can no longer view the last 24 hours in sales and trends, the option has been replaced with “Yesterday” which shows nothing. Is this intentional or a bug?
The simulator should support the new Siri Ul and Apple Intelligence features, at least they should work if Apple Intelligence is enabled on the Mac itself.
Feedback ID: FB15699827
I integrated the image playground sheet in my app, however when I select Take Photo on the iOS version of my app it just reloads the sheet. After several attempts I get the below error message.
This issue doesn’t occur on the macOS version of my app, where it first requests camera permission before allowing me to take the photo.
I’m not sure if this is happening because I don’t request the camera permission anywhere in my app. My app doesn’t use the camera at all apart from the Take Photo feature which is part of the image playground sheet.
Feedback ID: FB15591786
Ever since updating both my iPhone and iPad to iOS 18.1 beta 7, they simply won't connect to Xcode 16.1 beta 3.
When connecting via cable, Xcode gets stuck on preparing for 5 to 10 mins and then outputs the below error:
The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.
Domain: com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError
Code: 12040
Failure Reason: The caller does not have permission to perform the specified operation.
User Info: {
DDIPath = "/Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/iOS_DDI.dmg";
DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2024-10-15 9:06:17\U202fpm +0000";
DeviceIdentifier = "63EC7037-121B-4E79-9553-952A09720DAC";
NSURL = "file:///Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/iOS_DDI.dmg";
Options = {
MountedBundlePath = "file:///private/var/tmp/CoreDevice_DDI_Staging_501/63EC7037-121B-4E79-9553-952A09720DAC/";
UseCredentials = 0;
"com.apple.dt.DVTCoreDevice.operationName" = enablePersonalizedDDI;
The caller does not have permission to perform the specified operation.
Domain: com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError
Code: 2
Error mounting image: 0xe8000109 (kAMDMobileImageMounterNetworkForbiddenError: A network error occurred (forbidden).)
Domain: com.apple.mobiledevice
Code: -402652919
User Info: {
FunctionName = AMDeviceRemoteMountPersonalizedBundle;
LineNumber = 2145;
AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync failed: 3503 (kAMAuthInstallErrorHTTPForbidden)
Domain: com.apple.mobiledevice
Code: -402652919
User Info: {
FunctionName = "-[PersonalizedImage mountImage:]";
LineNumber = 2042;
System Information
macOS Version 15.0.1 (Build 24A348)
Xcode 16.1 (23502) (Build 16B5029d)
Timestamp: 2024-10-15T22:06:17+01:00
Any solution for this issue?
I'm trying to disable Writing Tools for a specific TextField using .writingToolsBehavior(.disabled), but when running the app on my iPhone 16 Pro with Apple Intelligence enabled, I can still use Writing Tools on the text box. I also see no difference with .writingToolsBehavior(.limited).
Is there something I'm doing wrong or is this a bug?
Sample code below:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
@State var text = ""
var body: some View {
VStack {
TextField("Enter Text", text: $text)
#Preview {
On both the iOS 18 beta 3 and iPadOS 18 beta 3 simulators, the customise button in home screen edit mode does nothing. I can check the dark mode icons by toggling the system appearance, but as the customise menu doesn’t work there is no way to check the tinted icons on the simulator.
Feedback ID: FB14422030
I am seeing blank data after 4am when viewing the last 24 hours graph. I remember a while ago it showed me data past 4am but now the graph is suddenly showing no data after 4am.
Are there any issues with the data shown on sales and trends at the moment?
In iOS 18, internal extension pages cannot navigate to external webpages, either via href links or through JS methods such as window.location.replace. Nothing happens when you try to navigate to an external webpage. Only other internal pages can be navigated to. This wasn't an issue on previous versions of iOS.
It would be appreciated if this can be fixed as soon as possible.
Feedback ID: FB14194963
I used to be able to show my app's icon in the UI using this code:
if let icon = UIImage(named: "AppIcon") {
Image(uiImage: icon)
.frame(width: 64, height: 64)
But this doesn't work when building with Xcode 16 and iOS 18 SDK.
How can I show my app's icon in the UI without resorting to duplicating the asset?