Step to reproduce:
- I installed the example project on this page
- I opened the Popover Tip View example
- And clicked on the icon that should output to the console and invalidate the tip
Image(systemName: "wand.and.stars")
.onTapGesture {
// Invalidate the tip when someone uses the feature.
popoverTip.invalidate(reason: .actionPerformed)
On version 17 with Tip presented, when I click on the button, I immediately get the output to the console and the tip disappears. On version 18, when I click on a button, the tip just disappears, it feels like it just overlaps everything and the clicks don't go any further. If anything the project is the same as in the example, I have only lowered the minimum version to 17.4.
As I understand there is a bug in iOS version 18, hence I have a question if there are ways to fix this?