@available(iOS 17.2, *)
private static func getPushToken<Attributes>(attributes: Attributes) where Attributes : ActivityAttributes {
for try await pushtoken in Activity<Attributes>.pushToStartTokenUpdates{
var templateCode = ""
if attributes is ZTPreOrderAttributes{
templateCode = ZTLiveActivityTemplatedCode.preOrder.rawValue
} else if attributes is ZTSkillOrderAttributes{
templateCode = ZTLiveActivityTemplatedCode.skillOrder.rawValue
let pushtokenstr = pushtoken.map { String(format: "%02x", $0) }.joined()
//upload to server for create liveactivity by push
//get new token for update
for await activity in Activity<Attributes>.activityUpdates {
ZTLiveActivityTool.log(" updateTokenForActivity 2")
await updateTokenForActivity(activity)
i call this code by applaunch ,Through testing, I found that if the app is not launched, and a Live Activity is created through a push notification which wakes up the app process, the push token for the Live Activity can be retrieved in Activity<Attributes>.activityUpdates and uploaded to the server for subsequent push updates.
However, when the app is in the background, the above code does not trigger any callbacks, and I cannot retrieve the latest push token.