Account-Driven Device Enrollment for iPadOS 18.2

Hi, I'm glad to hear that the service discovery process is improved on iOS/iPadOS 18.2 mentioned here.

I tried it on my development MDM server.

However the service discovery fails with the following error.

Invalid well-known response for https://{my email's comain name}/.well-known/{my email}&model-family=iPad: <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x300a9f420>
Invalid well-known response for{my email}&model-family=iPad: <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x3009047a0>

It seems fallback process to actually works but it returns 404 Not Found error.

How can we use this awesome feature? Thank you :)

Please file a bug report for this, and include the domain name used for your org.

Information for filing a bug report:

Bug Reporting: How and Why? has tips on creating your bug report.

Account-Driven Device Enrollment for iPadOS 18.2