App Fails to Launch on Another Mac with Error -10810 After Codesign and Notarization

I exported an app from an Xcode project using the "Archive" feature. After signing and notarizing it, the app runs normally on my local machine. However, after packaging it with create-dmg or ditto and distributing it to another Mac, I get an error saying the application cannot run. When I execute the command open ***.app in Terminal, it shows _LSOpenURLsWithCompletionHandler() failed for the application /Applications/Maxi PC with error -10810. Does anyone know why this is happening?

codesign and notarization info:

codesign -vvv Maxi\ PC\ ...... Maxi PC valid on disk Maxi PC satisfies its Designated Requirement

syspolicy_check distribution Maxi\ PC\ App passed all pre-distribution checks and is ready for distribution.

App Fails to Launch on Another Mac with Error -10810 After Codesign and Notarization