I have a 4-input, 4-output hardware device and an 8-input, 8-output virtual device, which I combine into an aggregate device. I am using the SimplyCoreAudio library to get the channel count. The code is as follows:
aggregationDevice!.channels(scope: .input) =>> 12 aggregationDevice!.channels(scope: .output) =>> 12
When the program's MicrophoneMode is set to standard, the channel count is correct. However, when I set the MicrophoneMode to voiceIsolation, the channel count is incorrect:
aggregationDevice!.channels(scope: .input) =>> 4 aggregationDevice!.channels(scope: .output) =>> 12
Below is the code for creating the aggregate device:
func createAggregateDevice(mainDevice: AudioDevice, secondDevice: AudioDevice?, named name: String, uid: String) -> AudioDevice? { guard let mainDeviceUID = mainDevice.uid else { return nil }
var deviceList: [[String: Any]] = [
kAudioSubDeviceUIDKey: mainDeviceUID,
// make sure same device isn't added twice
if let secondDeviceUID = secondDevice?.uid, secondDeviceUID != mainDeviceUID {
kAudioSubDeviceUIDKey: secondDeviceUID,
let desc: [String: Any] = [
kAudioAggregateDeviceNameKey: name,
kAudioAggregateDeviceUIDKey: uid,
kAudioAggregateDeviceSubDeviceListKey: deviceList,
kAudioAggregateDeviceMainSubDeviceKey: mainDeviceUID,
var deviceID: AudioDeviceID = 0
let error = AudioHardwareCreateAggregateDevice(desc as CFDictionary, &deviceID)
guard error == noErr else {
return nil
return AudioDevice.lookup(by: deviceID)
I hope someone can tell me the reason Thank you!