Create ML how to handle polygon annotations?

I have images, and I annotated with polygon, actually simple trapezoid, so 4 points. I have been trying and trying but can't get Create ML to work. I am trying Object Detection. I am not a real programmer so really would greatly appreciate some guidance to help to get this model created. I think I made a Detectron2 model, and tried to get that converted into a mlmodel I need for xcode but had troubles there also. thank you.

{ "annotation": "IMG_1803.JPG", "annotations": [ { "label": "court", "coordinates": { "x": [ 187, 3710, 2780, 929 ], "y": [ 1689, 1770, 478, 508 ] } } ] },

Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 819700022

CreateML's object detection does not support polygonal annotations. You'd need to convert that into rectangular annotations.

Accepted Answer

CreateML's object detection does not support polygonal annotations. You'd need to convert that into rectangular annotations.

humm ok, can we please email for steps to get CreateML model to work as I need? thanks. you have my email I assume? much appreciated.

Create ML how to handle polygon annotations?