Create ML how to handle polygon annotations?

I have images, and I annotated with polygon, actually simple trapezoid, so 4 points. I have been trying and trying but can't get Create ML to work. I am trying Object Detection. I am not a real programmer so really would greatly appreciate some guidance to help to get this model created. I think I made a Detectron2 model, and tried to get that converted into a mlmodel I need for xcode but had troubles there also. thank you.

{ "annotation": "IMG_1803.JPG", "annotations": [ { "label": "court", "coordinates": { "x": [ 187, 3710, 2780, 929 ], "y": [ 1689, 1770, 478, 508 ] } } ] },

CreateML's object detection does not support polygonal annotations. You'd need to convert that into rectangular annotations.

humm ok, can we please email for steps to get CreateML model to work as I need? thanks. you have my email I assume? much appreciated.

Create ML how to handle polygon annotations?