How do you style NavigationLinks? ButtonStyle doesn't work

Over and over I see claims that you can use ButtonStyle to style the appearance of NavigationLinks. But in my experience, this does not work.

What's going on here? In the screen shot, the list items (NavigationLinks) are styled with the same button style as the button below them. As you can see, this does nothing.

Code for the whole view:

//  ContentView.swift

import SwiftUI

struct UserMessage : Hashable
	var title: String
	var text: String

let inMessages = [UserMessage(title: "Inbound 1", text: "Test message!"), UserMessage(title: "Inbound 2", text: "Test message!"), UserMessage(title: "Inbound 3", text: "Test message!")]
let outMessages = [UserMessage(title: "Outbound 1", text: "Test message!"), UserMessage(title: "Outbound 2", text: "Test message!"), UserMessage(title: "Outbound 3", text: "Test message!")]

struct NavLinkButton: ButtonStyle
	func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View
			.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
			.background(configuration.isPressed ? .blue : .green)
			.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10))
			.overlay {
				RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
					.stroke(.red, lineWidth: configuration.isPressed ? 2 : 0)

struct ContentView: View
    var body: some View
			messageList(msgsIn: inMessages, msgsOut: outMessages)
				.frame(maxWidth: 400, maxHeight: 400)

			Button(action: {}, label: { Text("Styled button") })
				.frame(maxWidth: 400)


	@ViewBuilder func messageList(msgsIn: [UserMessage], msgsOut: [UserMessage]) -> some View
			Section(header: Text("Your Inbox"))
				ForEach(msgsIn, id: \.self) { aMsg in
					NavigationLink(destination: MessageDetailView(withMessage: aMsg), label: { Text("\(aMsg.title)") })
			Section(header: Text("Your Outbox"))
				ForEach(msgsOut, id: \.self) { aMsg in
					NavigationLink(destination: MessageDetailView(withMessage: aMsg), label: { Text("\(aMsg.title)") })
struct MessageDetailView: View
	var message: UserMessage?

	init(withMessage: UserMessage)
		message = withMessage

    var body: some View
		Text(message?.title ?? "")

Hi @Stoked ,

Replace the List with a ScrollView and try it out. The styling will show up since it's not overridden by the list.

Thanks for the reply.

It's disappointing that we have to hand-roll such a fundamental control at this point.

How do you style NavigationLinks? ButtonStyle doesn't work