Troubleshooting Apple Vision Framework Errors

When working on the project "Analyzing a Selfie and Visualizing Its Content" from Apple's documentation, I downloaded the project and opened it in Xcode. However, I encountered the following error:

VTEST: error: perform(_:): inside 'for await result in resultStream' error: internalError("Error Code=9 \"Could not create inference context\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Could not create inference context}")
VTEST: error: DetectFaceRectanglesRequest was cancelled.
VTEST: error: DetectFaceRectanglesRequest was cancelled.
Error Code=9 "Could not create inference context" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Could not create inference context}

How can I resolve this issue? Thanks in advance!

DetectFaceRectanglesRequest most likely is not supported on CPU and will therefore not run in the simulator. You need to run on the physical device.

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Troubleshooting Apple Vision Framework Errors