Conforming an existing AppIntent to the photos domain schema

I have an image based app with albums, except in my app, albums are known as galleries.

When I tried to conform my existing OpenGalleryIntent with @AssistantIntent(schema: .photos.openAlbum), I had to change my existing gallery parameter to be called target in order to fit the predefined shape of this domain.

Previously, my intent was configured to display as “Open Gallery” with the description “Opens the selected Gallery” in the Shortcuts app. After conforming to the photos domain, it displays as “Open Album” with a description “Opens the Provided Album”.

Shortcuts is ignoring my configured title and description now. My code builds, but with the following build warnings:

  • Parameter argument title of a required Assistant schema intent parameter target should not be overridden
  • Implementation of the property title of an AppIntent conforming to AssistantSchemaIntent should not be overridden
  • Implementation of the property description of an AppIntent conforming to AssistantSchemaIntent should not be overridden

Is my only option to change the concept of a Gallery inside of my app into an Album? I don't want to do this... Conceptually, my app aligns well with this domain does, but I didn't consider that conforming to the shape of an AI schema intent would also dictate exactly how it's presented to the user.


Same issue here — @bondad have you found a solution?

Thanks for boosting this @vincent123. I found some new guidance on this in the App Intent docs.

via Integrating actions with Siri and Apple Intelligence:

Your existing app intents might overlap with functionality that assistant schemas provide. If you can make an existing app intent conform to a schema without making changes to parameters that the intent uses, proceed with adding schema conformance. However, changing existing app intent implementations or removing app intents can directly impact people because their custom shortcuts may no longer work.

To not break people’s existing workflows, create a new app intent in addition to an existing app intent. As a result, both intents appear in the Shortcuts app as actions. To avoid them appearing as duplicates, mark your new app intent as available to Apple Intelligence only by setting isAssistantOnly to true.

Similarly, you can set isAssistantOnly to true for any applicable app entities and app enums that conform to an assistant schema. After some time, you can remove the isAssistantOnly code and remove your old app intent.

So there's a short term solution, but creating near duplicate code as needed for app intents, entities and enums feels a little kludgy. Ideally we could write one schema conforming app intent with custom display properties (title, description, etc). Hopefully someone from  will chime in as this will likely come up for other developers adopting various other schemas.

Conforming an existing AppIntent to the photos domain schema