New App Clip Advanced Experience Card takes more than a week to be published

Lately, when adding a new advanced experience with a new path (with the same domain), it is taking more than a week to get published, when it used to take around 24h. Am I doing something wrong that causes the long delay? Someone else is having this problem? Is something wrong with our assumptions of how it works?

Some assumptions and observations we have around app clip advanced experiences:

  • Once the app and its appClip are published, new advanced experiences (new paths + cards) don't require a new app review
  • When adding a new advanced experience, it gets reviewed before being published
  • There is some bug where even after the experience is published, its status only shows 'Received'
  • Edits of existing url paths (changing text or image) take less than 24h to propagate

As a workaround we are publishing paths we are still not using with general app clip metadata and then editing when we require them, but this does not allow us to have custom path names for the experiences as we need to 'reserve' them beforehand.

I encounter the same issue, almost two weeks and my app clip experience isn't published.

New App Clip Advanced Experience Card takes more than a week to be published