We created a script .scpt that is run before an operation. the script use a login via Safari. almost always it works but sometimes not. if we log on the machine the script will work. do you have idea of the problems? Thanks
My .scpt script fail sometimes
without any additional information to go on, I could guess that perhaps Safari has not finished loading the page for the login?
If you can provide some additional information, perhaps I can tell you more.
We execute the script via SSH with osascript "name of script.scpt"
Consider that the script it works.
This is the script .scpt that we call:
set usr to (do shell script "echo $USR")
set pwd to (do shell script "echo $PWWD")
set maxRetries to 3
set attempt to 0
set loginSuccess to false
set statusFile to "/Users/digicertusr/Downloads/success.txt"
repeat while (attempt < maxRetries and loginSuccess is false) set attempt to attempt + 1 tell application "Safari" activate open location "https://xxxxxx.com" end tell
delay 5
tell application "System Events"
keystroke usr
delay 5
keystroke tab
delay 3
keystroke pwd
delay 5
keystroke return
end tell
tell application "Safari"
open location "https://www.wikipedia.org"
end tell
delay 5
tell application "Safari"
set pageTitle to name of front document
end tell
if pageTitle contains "Wikipedia" or pageTitle contains "Sign On" or pageTitle contains "xxxxxxxxxx" then
set loginSuccess to true
set loginSuccess to false
end if
tell application "Safari"
close front window
end tell
end repeat
if loginSuccess is false then do shell script "echo 'FAILED' >> /Users/digicertusr/Downloads/failed.log" end if
I realized that when the script fails it’s because I didn’t authenticate on the lock screen. If I do the login, at least one time, the script works perfectly. consider that we call the script via ssh connection. do you have ideas? thanks