I am receiving a 405 when sending a POST request to this endpoint. The documentation is here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/add_a_scheduled_price_change_to_an_app
Can you tell me what method I should be using to add a scheduled price change to an app using this endpoint?
Thank you for submitting the feedback. We were able to reproduce the issue using the provided Swift Playground.
The cause of the issue was an invalid scope field in the JWT.
According to our documentation, https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/generating-tokens-for-api-requests#Create-the-JWT-Payload-for-Team-Keys
The scope field value should be in the format
"scope": [
“POST /v1/appPriceSchedules”
The JWT that was being generated had the scope field value format
“POST https:\/\/api.appstoreconnect.apple.com\/v1\/appPriceSchedules“
Note that this field is also optional.
By removing or correcting the format, we were able to successfully schedule an app price update.