CarPlay CPNowPlayingTemplate show wrong command buttons

i have a CarPlay implementation eand I want to show previous/next track button on player UI

MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().seekForwardCommand.isEnabled = false
MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().seekBackwardCommand.isEnabled = false

MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().previousTrackCommand.isEnabled = true
MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().nextTrackCommand.isEnabled = true

It works correctly on CarPlay simulator , but on some car only SEEK button are shown .

I have to suppose that it is that a problem on the car side , but I would ask about your opinion , maybe there is some pieces I'm missing

Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 821444022

Hi, the skip forward/back buttons (10 seconds, in this example) are usually meant for podcasts or other spoken-audio content, like books. To show the regular next item/previous item buttons instead, your app should make sure to remove any preferredIntervals on your MPSkipIntervalCommand.

Hi, the skip forward/back buttons (10 seconds, in this example) are usually meant for podcasts or other spoken-audio content, like books. To show the regular next item/previous item buttons instead, your app should make sure to remove any preferredIntervals on your MPSkipIntervalCommand.

Hi after reading your answer I have realized that I was disabling the wrong commands , that is SeekCommand instead of SkipCommand

Now ,I have the disabled them all , and also I have also set preferredIntervals = [0] just to be double sure , but not sure if it remove any preferredInterval as you suggest I m' going to test on some car and let you know if it works , thank you

    MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().seekForwardCommand.isEnabled = false
        let skipForwardIntervalCommand:MPSkipIntervalCommand  = MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().skipForwardCommand;
        skipForwardIntervalCommand.isEnabled = false
        skipForwardIntervalCommand.preferredIntervals = []

seek and skip command both forward and back are disabled and preferredIntervals set to []

next and prev are set to true but it still show wrong button ... as said it happens on some car , while others car and simulator are ok

Let me know if there is something else I can try

 MPRemoteCommandCenter.shared().nextTrackCommand.isEnabled = true

CarPlay CPNowPlayingTemplate show wrong command buttons