AVQueuePlayer/AVPlayer rate property is not being changed everytime I assign a new value to it.

I have used AVQueuePlayer in my music app to play sequence of audios from a remote server, this how I have defined things my player in my ViewModel


private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>() private let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance() private var avQueuePlayer: AVQueuePlayer? @Published var playbackSpeed: Float = 1.0

before starting playback, I am making sure that audio session is set properly, the code snippet used for that is

do { try audioSession.setCategory(.playback, mode: .default, options: []) try audioSession.setActive(true, options: []) } catch { return }

and this is the function I am using to update playback speed

func updatePlaybackSpeed(_ newSpeed: Float){ if newSpeed > 0.0, newSpeed <= 2.0{ playbackSpeed = newSpeed avQueuePlayer?.rate = newSpeed print("requested speed is (newSpeed) and actual speed is (String(describing: avQueuePlayer?.rate))") } }

sometimes whatever speed is set, player seems to play at the same speed as it was set, e.g. Once I got "requested speed is 1.5 and actual speed is 1.5", and player also seemed to play at the speed of 1.5 but another time I got "requested speed is 2.0 and actual speed is 2.0", but player still seemed to play at the speed of 1.0

to observe changes in rate, I used this

**private func observeRateChanges() { guard let avQueuePlayer = self.avQueuePlayer else { return }

NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: AVQueuePlayer.rateDidChangeNotification, object: avQueuePlayer)
    .compactMap { $0.userInfo?[AVPlayer.rateDidChangeReasonKey] as? AVPlayer.RateDidChangeReason }
    .sink { reason in
        switch reason {
        case .appBackgrounded:
            print("The app transitioned to the background.")
        case .audioSessionInterrupted:
            print("The system interrupts the app’s audio session.")
        case .setRateCalled:
            print("The app set the player’s rate.")
        case .setRateFailed:
            print("An attempt to change the player’s rate failed.")
    .store(in: &cancellables)


when rate was set properly, I got this "The app set the player’s rate." from the above function, but when it wasn't, I got this "An attempt to change the player’s rate failed.,"

now I am not able to understand why rate is not being set, and if it gave "requested speed is 2.0 and actual speed is 2.0" from updatePlaybackSpeed function, why does the player seems to play with the speed of 1.0?

Hello @mnjammy007, thank you for your post. Do you get the same results with just the relevant code in a small test project? If so, please share a link to your test project. That'll help us better understand what's going on. If you're not familiar with preparing a test project, take a look at Creating a test project.

Thank you for the response, I was constantly making request on remote server every-time the state of screen was changing, while the data was same all the time. 1 time request was enough, so I added proper checks so that cpu was getting unnecessary load and was able to perform other tasks smoothly, the app works fine now, I would love your feedback on the app store though, https://apps.apple.com/in/app/soundscape-sleep-meditate/id6480345644

AVQueuePlayer/AVPlayer rate property is not being changed everytime I assign a new value to it.