I am working on a MacOS application in which I need System Extension along with some network extension capabilities. In order to distribute the app externally, I have to create a Developer ID application (provisioning profile) using the App ID that already has Network extension capability. I have followed this documentation to create the App ID and provisioning profiles: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/com.apple.developer.networking.networkextension?language=objc
What I have:
- 2 App IDs (For app with network and system extension capability and for extension with only network extension capability)
*2 Developer ID application (For both App and Extension)
My App's entitlement file contains:
My system extension's entitlement file contains:
Both the targets now have the following error:
Provisioning profile "StandaloneCSAExtension" doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the com.apple.developer.networking.networkextension entitlement.
Note: Instead of Developer ID application if I create a normal development provisioning profile with the same App ID, everything works perfectly fine, the only reason why we need to move to Developer ID application is because we need to distribute the app externally.
Please help me if I have missed anything. Thanks in advance!
I think you’re hitting the issue discussed in Exporting a Developer ID Network Extension.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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