Clarification on IPv4 and Relay Configuration with matchDomains


I would like to confirm whether the matchDomains property in NERelayManager operates strictly at the Application Layer. Specifically, it seems that adding IPv4 addresses or IPv4 CIDR blocks to the matchDomains list does not work, as the relay manager appears unable to match them.

For example, I tried adding the following IPv4 patterns to the matchDomains list:

  • 11.22..
  • 11.22.*

However, these IPv4 addresses or patterns are not routed through my Relay server.

Additionally, I have observed that when using only the excludedDomains property, the desired IPv4 traffic is correctly routed to the relay server as expected.

My question is: Can IPv4 addresses or IPv4 CIDR ranges work with matchDomains? If not, is there an alternative approach to enable IPv4 matching while matchDomains is active?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 822684022
Clarification on IPv4 and Relay Configuration with matchDomains