Songs can be unavailable (greyed out) in Apple Music. How can I check if a song is unavailable via the MusicKit framework? Obviously the playback will fail with MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain Code=6 "Failed to prepare to play" but how can I know that in advance? I need to check the availability of hundreds of albums and therefore initiating a playback for each of them is not an option.
Things I have tried:
- Checking if the release date property is set to a future date. This filters out all future releases but doesn't solve the problem for already released songs.
- Checking if the duration is 0. This does not work since the duration of unavailable songs does not have to be 0.
- Initiating a playback and checking for the "Failed to prepare to play" error. This is not suitable for a huge amount of Albums.
I couldn't find a solution yet but somehow other third-party-apps are able ignore/don't shows these albums. I believe the Apple Music app is only displaying albums where at least one song is available.
I am using this function to fetch all albums of an artist.
private func fetchAlbumsFor(_ artist: Artist) async throws -> [Album] {
let artistWithAlbums = try await artist.with(.albums)
var allAlbums = [Album]()
guard var currentBadge = artistWithAlbums.albums else {
return []
allAlbums.append(contentsOf: currentBadge)
while currentBadge.hasNextBatch {
if let nextBatch = try await currentBadge.nextBatch() {
currentBadge = nextBatch
allAlbums.append(contentsOf: nextBatch)
} else {
return allAlbums
Here is an example album where I am unable to detect its unavailability (at least in Germany): Furthermore I was unable to navigate to this album via the Apple Music app directly.
Thanks for any help
Edit: Apparently this album is not included in an apple music subscription but can be bought seperately. The question remains: How can I check that?
Hello @FPST, thank you for your post. You can check that using the playParameters property of Song
song.playParameters == nil