My accountant is telling me I can claim back the sales tax paid on Apple's commission. In my jurisdiction sales tax is 13% so I could get 13% of the 15% Apple commission for example, so almost 2% of my total sales (15 x 0.13 - 1.95%) as a tax credit.
I must be missing something obvious since I cannot find the total commission paid. When I go to Payments & Financial Reports and select Create Reports I've tried all of the various report options but all I find in the resulting reports are how much tax was deducted in the customer's location.
What I need is the total commission that was deducted and ideally also showing the sales tax paid on it (although worst case I can just assume it was 13% due to my jurisdiction).
Really hoping I don't have to go through each line in each monthly report and manually calculate the commission for each location my apps were sold in by removing all deductions from the revenue.