App Store Connect

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App Store Connect is a suite of tools for submitting and managing your apps and in-app purchases on the App Store.

App Store Connect Documentation






No place to update license agreement
When I login to my Dev account, I get a banner that says "The updated Apple Developer Program License Agreement needs to be reviewed. In order to update your existing apps and submit new apps to the App Store, the Account Holder must review and accept the updated agreement." However, when I go to Agreements, Tax, and Banking, I see both Free Apps and Paid Apps agreement, but when I click on View, there's nothing for me to accept. It's a pop-up window with a list of countries and a button at the end that says "Close". And that's it. No other action is possible. No other option either under the Action column.
Unable to receive app sales payment to my Resona bank account in Japan
Resona is one of the Japanese mega-banks - it makes no sense that they are not recognized by Apple's payment system. Transfer has failed three months in a row. Have quadruple-checked all relevant numbers. Each time, the following error is generated: Payment could not be processed because your bank is not recognized by the associated national bank code. Apple doesn't make things easy: they only "try" once a month they keep suggesting I change the account holder spelling when my own bank says that is not the problem they offer no real-time chat or phone support for this issue - only email with a 3 day delay in between responses my requests for specific information regarding the transfer that my bank has requested I obtain from Apple so that they can troubleshoot from their end (such as the issuing bank name) are ignored by Apple's finance support team Anyone encounter this issue before? Any advice on how to proceed that doesn't involve opening an entirely new corporate bank account at a different bank?
iTunes Store is stuttering, repeating the same (erroneous) message every 5 minutes…
Since 2 hours (1:20 GMT July 18), I keep receiving the exact same message from iTunesStore every 5 minutes (30 received so far, with metronome regularity): Your banking information was accepted Thank you for providing the requested details for xxxxxx associated with your banking update in App Store Connect. Any payments may take up to 2 payment cycles to send. If you have any questions, contact us at I did not update any information since at least 6 weeks. I contacted support, it seems to be widespread problem. I filed a bug report: Jul 18, 2024 at 5:51 PM – FB14377820
What kind of app is Apple looking for that can organically rise to the top of the App Store rankings?
I'm developing an app and aiming for it to achieve top rankings in the App Store organically. What specific qualities or features should my app have to align with what Apple is looking for in top-ranked apps? Are there particular categories or user experiences that are more likely to succeed? Any insights on design, functionality, or user engagement strategies would be greatly appreciated.
Significantly higher "baseline" CVR in PPO A/B test than observed in "Metrics" section
Hello! I am running a PPO test where the "baseline" CVR is more than twice as high (+5pp) as the CVR I see when I look at the overall CVR in the "Metrics" section of the Analytics tab. I know PPO CVR is "estimated CVR" but it seems like a poor estimate if it is >2x the actual observed CVR. What are the methodological differences between PPO test CVR and actual observed CVR? What could explain such a wide variation in CVR?
xcrun altool --upload-app is not working
I am trying to upload ipa to App Store Connect using altool but it is always giving this 401 error. There is no issue with the Api key as it works for other commands with altool such as --list-apps etc 2024-07-17 11:26:38.411 *** Error: ERROR: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] REQUEST CREATE CONTAINER (ASSET_UPLOAD): failed to authenticate. The server response was: { errors = ( { code = "NOT_AUTHORIZED"; detail = "Provide a properly configured and signed bearer token, and make sure that it has not expired. Learn more about Generating Tokens for API Requests"; status = 401; title = "Authentication credentials are missing or invalid."; } ); } 2024-07-17 11:26:38.412 *** Error: ERROR: [ContentDelivery.Uploader] REQUEST CREATE CONTAINER (ASSET_UPLOAD): received status code 401, auth issue. 2024-07-17 11:26:38.413 *** Error: Error uploading '/.ipa'. 2024-07-17 11:26:38.414 *** Error: Unable to authenticate. (-19209)
Cannot create new release page on "Apple Developer Program License Agreement" has been updated
Hi, When trying to create a new release for my app on App Store Connect, I am getting the error: -- Agreement Update The Apple Developer Program License Agreement has been updated and needs to be reviewed. In order to update your existing apps and submit new apps, the Account Holder must review and accept the updated agreement by signing in to their account on the Apple Developer website. -- However, when looking under Agreements in the Account page, it shows that the latest agreement was accepted on July 1, 2024: -- Agreements Apple Developer Program License Agreement Issued June 10, 2024. Accepted July 1, 2024. Apple Developer Agreement Issued June 7, 2015. Accepted March 25, 2020. -- What am I missing?
Unable to publish free app update
Hello. I want to release an update for a free application (it is important to pay attention to this, the application is free), but I get an error that the agreement for paid applications has expired. I understand that sanctions have been introduced for paid applications and have already contacted support, they told me that the paid agreement was terminated, but I can continue to release updates for free applications. But this is exactly what I can’t do, I constantly get an error about the expired agreement when I try to create a new version, despite the fact that the application is free. What can I do to still publish an update to the free app?
Unable to add app to app store connect review when built from developer beta
I am using the developer beta, and I made some simple code changes to my app. The changes do not include any new beta features. I am blocked from posting my update on the app store because of the following error. Error: Unable to Add for Review The items below are required to start the review process: New apps and app updates must be built with the latest public (GM) versions of Xcode, and the iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Apps built with beta versions aren't allowed. Learn More This build is using a beta version of Xcode and can’t be submitted. Make sure you’re using the latest version of Xcode or the latest seed release found on the releases tab in News and Updates This has been discussed extensively in the past: And I already comtacted Apple Developer Support and received a generic response that did not address my issue at all. Response from support: Thank you for contacting App Review Support. We greatly appreciate the efforts of developers who help us discover and isolate bugs within our products. Learn more about system requirements and options to submit bug reports by using Feedback Assistant Using the native Feedback Assistant for iOS and Mac, or the Feedback Assistant website, you can submit bug reports and enhancement requests directly into our database and check the status of your submitted reports. Since the Feedback Assistant app automatically attaches a sysdiagnose for each bug, we recommend submitting bug reports directly from the app on your iOS device or Mac. You must be registered as an Apple Developer to use Feedback Assistant. If you have not already done this, go to our registration page. If you need a workaround for a development issue you're experiencing or need code-level assistance for Apple frameworks, APIs, and tools, submit a Technical Support Incident. I hope this information serves to address your concerns. If you need to contact us about this issue, your case number for reference is XXXXXXXX. This issue is blocking me from pushing a desperately needed fix to my app.
Dun and Bradstreet has the correct info, but Apple won't accept it in DSA
I have emailed Apple almost a week ago now, but still no answer from them so I wanted to check if anyone has the same problem. There is only one step left for me to submit an app for a client of mine, and that is confirming that the company is a trader under DSA. However, when entering the contact info, I can't proceed, as Apple will not accept the city and state as it has foreign characters in it. It kinda feels wrong for me to ask the client to change the Dun and Bradstreet information to incorrect values..