App Store Connect

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App Store Connect is a suite of tools for submitting and managing your apps and in-app purchases on the App Store.

App Store Connect Documentation

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App Store Connect “Missing Metadata” Nightmare: The Solution I Spent HOURS Searching For
I just spent way too many hours trying to figure out why my in-app subscription was stuck in “Missing Metadata” in App Store Connect, even though I had filled out everything. If you're here because you're in the same boat, this is the solution Apple doesn't make obvious. The Problem I created an auto-renewable subscription (Kanabloom Premium) and filled in all required fields. The subscription was still marked "Missing Metadata", preventing me from submitting it. The “In-App Purchases” section wasn’t showing up in my App Store version submission, which meant I couldn't even attach the subscription to my app version. I triple-checked the metadata, pricing, tax settings, review screenshot, and even resaved everything, but nothing worked. What I Tried (Before Finding the Fix) Checked that pricing was set up correctly for all countries. Uploaded the required review screenshot for the subscription. Made sure the subscription group existed and was linked properly. Refreshed, logged out/in, and tried different browsers. Read every Stack Overflow, Reddit, and Apple Developer Forum post I could find. Even tried creating a dummy subscription to see if that would reset the system. The Solution: Localizing the Subscription Group Here’s the stupidly hidden requirement that finally fixed it: ✅ Your subscription group itself (not just the subscription) needs a localized display name. App Store Connect requires each subscription group to have at least one localized display name for it to be valid. If this is missing, all subscriptions inside that group will stay stuck in “Missing Metadata” no matter how complete they are. How to Fix It: Go to App Store Connect > Subscriptions > Subscription Group Click on your subscription group (not the individual subscription). Check if there's a localization added under "Group Reference Name." If missing, add a localization (e.g., English) and save. Refresh the page and boom – the subscription will finally be "Ready to Submit." Conclusion Apple really needs to make this requirement clearer. Now that I’ve finally figured it out, hopefully, this post helps someone else avoid losing hours of their life to the same issue. If you're still stuck, double-check that: You’ve set pricing and enabled "Cleared for Sale." You’ve uploaded a review screenshot for the subscription. You’ve signed all App Store agreements and banking/tax documents. Your app's In-App Purchase capability is enabled in Xcode. Let me know if this helped you! I wish I had found a post like this sooner. 😂 This should make for a useful and searchable post in case other devs run into the same headache. Let me know if you want any tweaks before posting! 🚀
Enrolment is completed and paid fee , still not able to access
Hi Experts , I have enrolled for Apple developer program and paid fee as well. I still not able to connect to App Store connect. I have built an app and tested and ready for listing/submission on APP store. I am not able to move forward after enrolment completion. Please guide any experts here. I have done research on internet and followed few steps but still not able to submit my app for review.
App Store V2 notification timeout period
Hello, We are consuming App Store's V2 notification feature. Is there any defined timeout period before which we need to send the 200 response code back to App Store? i.e is there any predefined timeout value like 5 sec or 10 sec before which the server application needs to send the 200 response? In the below documentation details about the expected respond code only
App clip size with dependency SDK in it.
I just started with App Clips so quite new to it. One of our dependencies is very big in size (85+ MB) which is making the app size almost 87MB's uncompressed and 40MB's compressed with just this dependency and no other app clip related code in it. I created a App Thinning size report for the app clip and even with bigger app clip size, I decided to upload the beta build to App Store Connect for testing purposes. On App Store Connect, app clip size is 70+ MB and to my surprise it passed the App Store Connect review and I was able to install this app clip on my device from Test Flight. If I add functionality to the app clip with this bigger dependency SDK, then the app clip size is going to increase further and am worried that it could get rejected when I push it to app store. Minimum iOS version of the app is 16.4, so my understanding is that the maximum app clip size allowed is 15MB. Am trying to figure out, how the app clip build was approved on app store connect and if dependency sizes in app clips are ignored? Attaching screenshot of App Thinning report and screenshot of App Store Connect build with this App Clip.
Multiple commands produce when build testflight
Multiple commands produce '/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/UWDriverApp-danheaqkotcykmdzkrzxebyfsdbl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/UWDriverApp/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/React-Core_privacy.bundle' Multiple commands produce '/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/UWDriverApp-danheaqkotcykmdzkrzxebyfsdbl/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/UWDriverApp/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/RCT-Folly_privacy.bundle'
Missing the Required "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" Section in App Store Connect
CONTEXT: iOS: 18.2.1 || macOS: 15.4 || Xcode: 16.2 || App status: Not yet released || In-app purchase type: Subscription || App version: 1.0, Build 3 ISSUE:
 App Store Connect has rejected our latest app submission with the instructions “…submit your in-app purchases and upload a new binary in App Store Connect…”. Unfortunately, the required "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" section is missing from the ‘version page’ of our submission. This is further complicated by the fact that we had already tested the subscription in App Store Connect’s sandbox, where it successfully returned the non-domestic storefront pricing for Hungary (HUF1,490.00/year). After reviewing nearly four dozen Apple pages of documentation and a dozen Apple forum posts, we found only one relevant link: Unfortunately, the instructions under the disclosure triangle: "Submit an in-app purchase for the first time" confirm that the "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" section is missing from our version page. Additionally, review of the blue warning box on the Subscription page includes the following instructions: "…Create your subscription, then select it from the app’s In-App Purchases and Subscriptions section on the version page…" Unfortunately, this section does not exist on our version page, confirming that there is no specific section labeled "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" available. Similar issues have been reported by other developers. See this Stack Overflow thread for additional context: HISTORY: Successfully created and sandbox tested the subscription in App Store Connect. Reviewed over five dozen pages of Apple documentation and forum posts as well as Stack Overflow. Have repeatedly loaded and checked the 'version page' for the "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" section, which is unfortunately missing from our submission. QUESTIONS: Where is the "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" section located, if not on the 'version page' of our submission? Is there an alternative method to submit in-app purchases and upload a new binary in App Store Connect? Do we need to remove any part of the submission to access the "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" section? What is the risk of losing our app name 'Concensus' in the Apple App Store if we delete any portion of the submission? We would appreciate guidance on how to proceed with submitting our in-app purchase subscription along with our new app version. Grateful Indeed.
Cannot test macOS app in Sandbox environment
I used to test my macOS app with a Storekit file, and now wanted to test it in the Sandbox environment. I have removed the storekit configuration file from my schema options. However, even after removing it and have IAP setup on App Store Connect (still rejected), I cannot get the app to use the sandbox environment. Things I have done: Set the schema options StoreKit configuration to none. In the Mac App Store, login the sandbox account as my test user. Clean my build folder. Removed all derived data from Xcode. Run the app from Xcode or from the binary directly. Regardless what I do, when I'm trying to purchase, I still see the purchase sheet says "Xcode" from the top left (instead of Environment: Sandbox).
Mac app icon given black background by App Store Connect
I have a new, unreleased app in App Store Connect. The Mac app icon is a rounded rect with transparent border. For some reason, the "Included Assets App Icon" has a black background in App Store Connect. The black background also appears in the TestFlight app. The issue doesn't appear to be specific to the new app's icon, because I tried uploading a build with another icon, from an already released Mac app, and App Store Connect also gave that a black background. The app icon displays correct at runtime on macOS. The black background is a phenomenon only of App Store Connect and TestFlight. My theory is that App Store Connect is confused and still treating the app icon as if it were iOS rather than Mac. During development, the app has gone through a transition: first it was iOS on Mac, then it was Catalyst, and now finally it's AppKit. If the App Store Connect record for the app has some kind of iOS or Catalyst flag, I have no idea how to reset the flag. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
Monthly Subscription is Changed to One-Time Purchase on Apple Store
We set up monthly subscription with a 1-month free trial. We tested it with Sandbox and TestFlight, and the subscription worked as expected. The app is now available on Apple Store, but the monthly subscription is changed to One-Time Charge on Apple Store. When we try to download our app, it asks One-Time Charge with the cost of the subscription fee before downloading the app. However, in our testing, the app was able to be installed without this One-Time Charge, and both free trial and subscription worked well. Does anyone have had the similar issue before? How would you suggest the fixing? Thanks in advance!
Security Concern – Third-Party Developer Requesting JSON/API Keys for Backend Access
Hello Apple Developer Community, I recently encountered a serious security issue involving a third-party app development company that requested full JSON API key access to my Apple Developer account. After conducting research, I realized that granting this access would allow permanent backend control over my app—even after our contract ended. Key Issue: • Third-party developers extract JSON API keys from client accounts. • These keys allow unrestricted backend access, even after being removed from the account. • With this access, they can: • Modify apps remotely • Interfere with financial settings • Restrict client access while maintaining their own backend control Why This Matters: • This could be happening at scale, affecting many developers unknowingly. • It’s a major security risk—developers could be losing control of their apps without realizing it. • Apple’s policies do not explicitly warn against this kind of practice, which leaves developers vulnerable. I Need Guidance: • Is there an official Apple security team I can report this to? • How can developers safeguard themselves from these kinds of exploits? • Does Apple have a protocol for auditing third-party developer activity within client accounts? I have full documented evidence of this practice, including chat logs, emails, and technical breakdowns. This is a serious issue that needs the right eyes on it. Please advise on the next steps Apple recommends for reporting and addressing this vulnerability. Kindly find my evidence below.
Delta Download Not Functioning as Expected
We have been distributing our app with bundled resources included in the application package. In our latest release, we updated a portion of those bundled resources for the first time. However, the delta download mechanism did not function properly, resulting in users being forced to re-download a significantly large amount of data. The versions we have released so far are as follows: 1.0.0: Initial release 1.0.1: Bug fixes only. The executable was updated, but no changes were made to the resources. 1.0.2: Same as above — only the executable was updated; no changes to resources. 1.1.0: Feature update. Includes changes to both the executable and part of the bundled resources. 🔽 The IPA file sizes for each version are as follows: 1.0.0: 2.2 GB 1.0.1: 2.2 GB 1.0.2: 2.1 GB 1.1.0: 2.36 GB We had no reliable way to evaluate the actual download size at update time, so the precise size is unclear. However, updates from version 1.0.0 to 1.0.2 consistently completed within 30 seconds, even over a mobile network. In contrast, when we released version 1.1.0, the situation changed significantly: a full download of 2.4 GB was triggered, even though only part of the resources had actually been updated. It appears that almost all bundled resources were re-downloaded regardless of whether they had changed. (The attached image shows the actual download confirmation dialog displayed to users during this update.) Based on the xcarchive used for App Store submission, we compared file differences and summarized them as follows: Updated files: 311 files / 513 MB Deleted files: 6 files / 12.6 KB (excluded from total since they are not redistributed) Added files: 417 files / 166 MB Total: 734 files / 679 MB (Comparison was performed under Unity-iPhone.xcarchive/Products) As described in the following Apple documentation, we expected only the ~679 MB delta to be delivered to users: 🔗 If there are any additional build settings or techniques we should consider to ensure that delta updates are correctly detected and applied, we would greatly appreciate your guidance.
Sign in with Apple users migration
hi all, we have an app we want to move from Team A to Team B. We support Sign-in with Apple in the app so users need to also be migrated. We use Auth0 as the authentication solution. I followed the documentation and generated the transfer identifiers like here. And I got HTTP 200 responses . However with a 'short' transfer_sub: {"transfer_sub":"000226.r52567d778d6641e78daf6977563ff09"} (it has only 2 sections, instead of 3). For all users. I assume this then causes my request to exchange identifiers like here to return an HTTP 400 Bad request. Does anyone have any idea on why do I get a 'short' transfer_sub ? Many thanks
Bug: Active Paid Subscriptions plummeted on March 19th
I assume this is just some temporary error that will resolve itself but in App Store Connect > Trends > Subscriptions > Summary my number of Active Paid Subscriptions just tanked, so March 19th # is 74% less than March 18th # of subscribers. More than half of my subscribers are on an annual basis not renewing for a long time so no way it could drop like that. The breakdown on subscription type (1m, 3m, 6m and 1y) also shows a massive drop in subscriber numbers across all time lengths. All other numbers look normal, i.e. I should have added subscribers on the 19th, not lost them, based on the events tab. Just posting to make sure this gets noticed and resolved quickly. About to go through due diligence with a venture capital company so don't want due diligence process to have a negative result since the numbers suddenly don't add up!!! Thanks!
App Store Ratings and Reviews Missing or Disappearing
Hello everyone, We’ve recently noticed an issue with our app’s ratings and reviews on the App Store. Some users have informed us that they left ratings and/or reviews, but these never appeared. Additionally, we’ve observed some reviews disappearing after they were initially visible. We contacted Apple Support, and while they pointed us to the App Store terms and conditions—indicating that Apple has discretion over review removal—we’re trying to determine if there might be a technical reason behind this behavior. Here are some specifics: It has been a while since we’ve seen any new ratings or reviews, even though users have confirmed submitting them. Some reviews that were previously approved and visible have disappeared without explanation. We’ve ensured—to the extent possible—that our app complies with all guidelines and policies, so we’re ruling out violations as the cause for now. Since the app is still new, even a few ratings or reviews missing is quite impactful. Has anyone else experienced similar issues? Could this be related to a known bug or technical limitation? For example, could regional settings, delays in processing reviews, or other factors be affecting visibility? We would greatly appreciate any advice on how to investigate this further or escalate the matter effectively. If you’ve encountered this before, what steps did you take to resolve it? Thank you for your help!