Weatherkit API times out at 7am EST

I've noticed that very consistently the Weatherkit API times out when I make a large(-ish) number of calls at 7am east coast time.

If I make x calls between 7:00:00 and 7:01:00 about half of them time out (as do retries.) If I make 2x the calls between 7:15:00 and 7:16:00 there are close to zero time outs.

I've looked at the logs, at the calls per second, etc., and there is no difference between 7 and 7:15.

So, I'm not hitting a rate limit. It seems like Weatherkit itself just can't handle the traffic at peak times.

Is there any other explanation? Does Apple intend to make sure the API can handle all the traffic they are getting paid to handle?

Thanks for reporting this. Our team is looking into the issue.

Do you see this same behavior every day at 7am ET? Can you estimate how many requests you are making in that 1 minute window?

Weatherkit API times out at 7am EST