Unable to deploy app from Visual Studio on Windows 11 to iOS device

I am trying to get my app deployed to an iOs device (iphone 14) from Visual Studio on Windows 11. If the device I am trying to deploy to is included in https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/devices/list then I see below error in Visual Studio logs.

Xamarin.Messaging.IDB.AppleProvisioningManager Error: 0 : Xamarin.MacDev.AppleSigning.AppleServerException: A device with number '0000xxxx-0014093926Bxxxx' already exists on this team. at Xamarin.MacDev.AppleSigning.AppStoreDeveloperPortal.<RegisterDevice>d__42.MoveNext() in D:\a_work\1\s\External\maciostools\Xamarin.MacDev.AppleSigning\AppleDeveloperPortal\AppStoreDeveloperPortal.cs:line 913

If I disable it I see below error in Visual Studio logs:

Xamarin.Messaging.Client.MessagingClient Error: 0 : An error occurred on the receiver while executing a post for topic xvs/idb/auto-provision and client vs26896sv3 Xamarin.Messaging.Exceptions.MessagingRemoteException: An error occurred on client xxxxxxx while executing a reply for topic xvs/idb/auto-provision ---> Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Error converting value {null} to type 'System.DateTime'. Path 'data.attributes.addedDate', line 6, position 24

I am seeing no option to completely remove the device from the list. How can this issue be fixed?

Unable to deploy app from Visual Studio on Windows 11 to iOS device