No new Xcode beta Since 16.2 Release on Dec 11

Not a question, but a surprise.

Did I miss something, but apparently there has been no new beta release (16.3) since Release of 16.2 on Dec 11. 2 months without betas is really unusual (in fact, it never happened and usually, next beta n+1 is even released before the final release of version n).

So does that mean 16.3 will be a major update ? Wait and see.

Answered by B347 in 826133022

All three developers are working hard to get it shipped. This is why nobody can straighten your surprise!

February 19, still working very hard, these guys.

Do we have to be happy about what's coming one day, somewhere, sometime...

or should we be afraid?

Accepted Answer

Yes, just saw it. So they've probably awaited for the 16E announcement.

No new Xcode beta Since 16.2 Release on Dec 11