The Swift Programming Language Book

Does anyone know if there will be a Swift 6 version of "The Swift Programming Language" book and if so, when it will be released for Apple Books?

That's not presented as a book, but you have all the doc for Swift 6 here in

Thanks. That is of course the right material, but not in the format of a book. I like to read books, cover to cover. I read the first Swift Programming Language book, and the third. I find that I find things I did not know about that I otherwise would have missed if I just look up what I need to know for a given bit of work. You can read it on this web page, but it is made for random access lookup, not reading "cover to cover". I am fine with digital books, I have no need for paper copies. There is no way for instance to book mark where you left off and then pick it up again another day. Maybe I am just old. LOL

My understanding, based on various Swift Forums threads, is that the current publication pipeline isn’t able to generate books like we used to get. However, you’re not the first person to request this [1]. The good news is that TSPL is open source, so you can get involved. A good place to start is the Swift Documentation Workgroup.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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[1] For example, here.

The Swift Programming Language Book