I am working on an agent app.
The app has a menubarextra.
var body: some Scene {
"menubarextra", systemImage: "star")
Button("Item 1") {
Button("Item 2") {
Button("Item 3") {
I am going to write xctest to click on the icon i created and want to click on the menu next.
func testExample() throws {
// UI tests must launch the application that they test.
let app = XCUIApplication()
let menuBarsQuery = XCUIApplication().menuBars
let favouriteStatusItem = menuBarsQuery.statusItems["Favourite"]
menuBarsQuery.menuItems["Item 1"].click()
// Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results.
There is a small problem. When the app is not a agent app, the app will start with with its own menu bar. If i am currently on fullscreen, it will swap to the desktop and the menubar will be showing the app's menu bar. In this case, I can see the menubarextra. The test will pass then.
When it is in agent app, the above behaviour will not happen. Once I run the test with fullscreen mode of xcode, my screen will still stay on xcode and the statusbar will not be showing. Then the test will response
error: -[swiftuitestUITests.MenubarExtraTests testExample] : Element StatusItem, {{1080.0, 6.5}, {34.5, 24.0}}, title: 'Favourite' is not hittable
The only solution I can found at the moment is to leave fullscreen first, then run the test.
In xctest, is there any way to force the statusbar to show first? Thank you!