Create and run unit tests, performance tests, and UI tests for your Xcode project using XCTest.

Posts under XCTest tag

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Xcode UI test cannot tap menu button in form
Apparently UI tests are unable to tap menu buttons but can tap regular buttons inside forms. Earlier today I was able to see in the Simulator that the UI test tries to tap the button by tapping the center of the containing form row, which works for regular buttons, but not for menu buttons. In fact, when trying in the SwiftUI preview in Xcode it seems that menu buttons have to be tapped exactly on top of them, while regular buttons can be tapped anywhere in the form row. (Now I’m not able to see touches performed by the UI test anymore in the Simulator for an unknown reason, even though I have “Show single touches” enabled in the Simulator settings.) How can I open a menu button in a UI test? The UI code: struct ContentView: View { @State private var label1 = "Menu 1" @State private var label2 = "Menu 2" var body: some View { NavigationStack { Form { LabeledContent("Menu 1") { Button(label1) { label1 = "Menu 1 tapped" } .accessibilityIdentifier("menu1") } LabeledContent("Menu 2") { Menu(label2) { Button("Button") { } .accessibilityIdentifier("button") } .accessibilityIdentifier("menu2") } } } } } #Preview { ContentView() } And the test: final class problemUITests: XCTestCase { func testExample() throws { // UI tests must launch the application that they test. let app = XCUIApplication() app.launch() app.collectionViews.element(boundBy: 0).buttons["menu1"].tap() app.collectionViews.element(boundBy: 0).buttons["menu2"].tap() app.collectionViews.element(boundBy: 0).buttons["button"].tap() } }
How do I do unit tests for code using system objects?
That's probably a bad title, let's try with specifics: we have a network extension, it has some classes / functions of its own, and they, when push comes to build, depend on (for example) NEAppProxyFlow and its subclasses. The code is written in Swift, since it is the language of the future. If I want to do a unit test for my code, I need to provide something that at least looks like NEAppProxyFlow, since I can't otherwise create one. I thought I could provide my own NetworkExtension module for test case, but that... did not work well, and I still don't understand why. On the other hand, I'm really bad at making unit tests, so the odds that I'm missing something fairly obvious to most other people are pretty high.
Developing and deploying iPhone test code in Windows environment
Hello, I am developing Java test code to test a web application on an Android and iPhone platforms using Selenium and Appium inside Eclipse IDE. Android device could be tested just fine. When it comes to instantiation of iOSDriver Object for running test script on an iPhone, the run time is complaining that it needs Xcode libraries, or Xcode tool on the class path. This makes it necessary to use a mac system for coding and install Xcode on it. Once I use a mac and develop the test code within my Eclipse, can I deploy the code on a Windows Server? Does the code would not need Xcode during run time or just the Selenium-java client libraries and Appium alone? Thanks a lot, -- Prasad Nutalapati
How to handle “Try Again” alert in biometrics UI testing?
I’m writing UI tests for biometrics in iOS. For a failing case, I encounter an alert that needs to be dismissed by the user. How can I tap a button in this alert? XCTest has the addUIInterruptionMonitor method ( Is this what I need? If so, what description should I use? Or do I need some other functionality? For Touch ID, I can simply simulate a failure twice, and the alert will be dismissed. However, for Face ID and Optic ID, this approach is not suitable—the alert buttons need to be tapped. Additionally, there is an old method to handle the alert using the Springboard app (with the bundle ID “”). However, this only works for iOS and iPadOS, while VisionOS does not have this bundle ID.
What app provides system alerts in VisionOS? iOS and iPadOS has springboard app, but VisionOS doesn't
I want to automate tests for my iOS app and start writing UITests. Sometimes system alerts appear, and my tests have to simulate button tapping. In iOS and iPadOS these alerts are available via the system Springboard application: let springboard = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "") let cancelButton = springboard.alerts.buttons["Cancel"].firstMatch if cancelButton.exists { cancelButton.tap() // <-- cancel button taps, and test continue working } But when I launch my test in the Vision Pro simulator, the springboard is not available: let springboard = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "") print(springboard.exists) // <-- "false" will be printed, springboard does not exist It means that I can't automate button tapping in system alerts. So, my question is: How can I access system alerts in VisionOS and tap buttons by UITests?
"Failed to install or launch the test runner" error
We have multiple Jenkins jobs running UI Tests on a Mac with a device attached. This works most of the time but sometimes the tests don't run and the xcreport generated has an error like: BCOVBRDCoverageUITests-Runner encountered an error in BCOVBRDCoverageUITests failed with: Failed to install or launch the test runner. (Underlying Error: Failed to create directory on device 'Brightcove's iPhone 14 Plus' (00008110-000C54912246401E) to hold runtime profiles for application with bundle ID 'com.brightcove.BCOVBRDCoverageUITests.xctrunner': (null). (Underlying Error: The system failed to get the path on the remote device for the provided domain. (Underlying Error: The connection was interrupted.))) Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas on how to get around it? Kicking off another job after seeing this behavior works fine. The failures seem to be random or we haven't noticed a pattern yet.
How to access Test Plans launch arguments and environment in the app target during UI tests
I am able to reproduce this also in a minimal example. Here is my setup: a Hello World app and a UI test target. a Test Plan which executes the UI test target test plan configures application language as German for sanity testing whether changing the test configuration via the test plan in general works -> this works perfectly test plan configures launch arguments and Environment variables in the shared settings "Arguments passed on launch" In the ContentView of the app I try to access these values via ProcessInfo: print(ProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments) print(ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment) Now I run the test plan Expected: my custom launch arguments appear in arguments my custom env vars appear in environment Actual: none of them appear. What am I doing wrong here?
Not able to use devicectl usage to run ui tests
Hello, I have a test bundle in my application and one of the strong request of our project is to run ui tests from command line having just application build. How to run unit tests on .app file that has a test target? What we tried xcrun devicectl device install app --device <device-identifier> <> xcrun devicectl device process launch --device <device-identifier> --start-stopped <com.apptestbundle-Runner.xcrun> It launches and is waiting pid to be attached. In lldb: device select <device-identifier> device process list Seeing process 'UITestBundle-Runner' pid. device process --pid 'pid id' It attaches and I can see 'debugserver' in the pid list, but it does not start testing and I need tests to start and run. Thanks!
Failed to install the app on the device
We currently try to run tests on 4 physically attached iPhones all on ios 17. When tests are concurrently running we occasionally get failures that look like this: Testing failed: Failed to install the app on the device. SwiftUITests-Runner encountered an error (Failed to install or launch the test runner. (Underlying Error: Failed to install the app on the device. (Underlying Error: Connection with the remote side was unexpectedly closed : { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "XPCErrorDescription" => { length = 22, contents = "Connection interrupted" } }. Unhandled error domain IXRemoteErrorDomain, code 6)) I noticed that when relying on xcodebuild to install the target app and test runner it cannot install concurrently/parallel on all 4 devices but instead does each device sequentially causing the test to hang. The same behavior can be exhibited when trying to install an app concurrently on 4 different phones with xcrun devicectl as well. STEPS TO REPRODUCE Trigger a test with xcodebuild on 4 different phones at the same time where xcodebuild also needs to install the target apps. Currently using Xcode15.2 and iOS 17.5.1
XC Test - Xamarin- Mobile Automation - Tiles missing on list view
Unable to see the first element in a Xamarin forms List view while running the automated UI iOS tests using xctest Element with property in Xamarin forms "ListViewCachingStrategy.RetainElement" , the first element is missing from the list view while running the tests in iOS . Inbetween the tests if we remove the WDA and tried the same scenario, it works as expected. The first element was displayed when working with xamarin forms (v4.7.0.1351) and it is observed with only the current version. Manually trying the same scenario does not have any issues , Elements are displayed as expected, issue is observed only through automation
iOS 18 Beta 2 XCTest: Unable to record and play contacts permission system dialog
Unable to record and play the new contacts permission system dialog. App: func handleContactsAccessAlert() { let springboard = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "") let allowButton = springboard.buttons["Allow Full Access"] allowButton.tap() let access6ContactsButton = springboard.alerts["Allow full access to 6 contacts?"].scrollViews.otherElements.buttons["Allow"] access6ContactsButton.tap() } func handleContactsPermissionAlert() { let springboard = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "") let allowButton = springboard.buttons["Continue"] if allowButton.exists { allowButton.tap() sleep(5) handleContactsAccessAlert() } } func testContactPermissions() { let app = XCUIApplication() app.launch() app.buttons["Request Access"].tap() sleep(5) handleContactsPermissionAlert() sleep(5) app.collectionViews/*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/.staticTexts["Kate Bell"]/*[[".cells.staticTexts[\"Kate Bell\"]",".staticTexts[\"Kate Bell\"]"],[[[-1,1],[-1,0]]],[0]]@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/.tap() }
XCUITest Screenshots not saving
I have some (very old ObjC) XCUITests, in Xcode 15.2. I recently noticed programmatic screenshots are not saving. The screenshots generated automatically by XCUITest are saving fine. This is code that used to work as expected; I do not know when it broke as I haven't had need to run this in a while. -(void)takeScreenshotWithName:(NSString *)name { XCUIScreenshot *screenshot = XCUIScreen.mainScreen.screenshot; XCTAttachment *attachment = [XCTAttachment attachmentWithScreenshot:screenshot]; attachment.lifetime = XCTAttachmentLifetimeKeepAlways; = name; [self addAttachment:attachment]; UIImage *image = screenshot.image; UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, nil, nil, nil); } During testing I added the UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum call, to verify the code is running and the image is available - and it does. But I really don't want these images cluttering up my library. The results are the same whether I run my tests from within Xcode, or via the command line. I need these screenshots so I have a set in PNG format, with standardized naming, for archiving, searching, and comparisons. The automatic screenshots are in Xcode's format - useful when reviewing a single test, which isn't my use case here.
No option to set baseline for UI Test metrics
I'm trying to measure app launch time in an existing Xcode project. I added a simple test that's supposed to display a "no baseline" message and a button to set a baseline, but when I run the test, it just succeeds without showing the pop-up. It works in a new project, so I suspect there might be a specific setting in my existing project that's causing the issue. The project is about 6 years old. Does anyone know if there's a particular setting I need to enable for launch tests to display the baseline pop-up in older projects? I'm running the test from new project in Xcode 14.2. Existing project in Xcode 15.2 and 14.2 both succeed with no baseline message. Thank you!
The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process.
The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process. Currently I am struggling with this problem while running tests runner `xcrun devicectl device process launch --console --device '000000000000000000000' ' What may be causing the issue? Thanks in advance
Jun ’24
UI Tests Runner application does not launch manually.
I need to run my tests bundle independently from Xcode. Previously, I used to deploy it and run as regular iOS application, it would execute test cases and display 'Automation running' label. I needed to execute tests some time after deploy and in different time of the day, so it is a problem for my team right now. So, UI Tests Runner app file does not launch and 'Automation Running' label is not displayed, is there any possible ways to run tests as it was or other ways to run tests not from Xcode.
Jun ’24
Bug Accessing Multiline SwiftUI TextFields in UITests
Hello, I am wondering if anyone else has seen this bug: Create a multiline TextField like so: TextField("a string", text: $myDataStore.placeholder, axis: .vertical) .accessibilityIdentifier("placeholder") .multilineTextAlignment(.leading) .lineLimit(...3) .textFieldStyle(CustomTextFieldStyle(text: $myDataStore.placeholder, hasErrors: myDataStore.placeholder.isEmpty)) Then create a UITest that accesses it. let multilineTextField = app.textViews["placeholder"] // note that multiline textFields can only be accessed as textVIEWS, not textFIELDS. They simply do not appear under po.textFields let exists = multilineTextField.waitForExistence(timeout: 3) XCTAssertTrue(exists, "The field did not appear in time.") multilineTextField.tap() // everything is fine up to here //BUG: multiline textfields will not tap into keyboard on larger device types like the iPhone 15, but they will on SEs. multilineTextField.typeText("A Test") // fails on anything other than an SE, "Neither element nor any descendant has keyboard focus" What is happening here?
Jun ’24
Approach to adoption of Swift Testing
Currently Swift Testing has much less features than XCTest, so the adoption will be very slow from our side. Notable features we miss are UI tests, performance tests and attachments. I did not want to create many issues in Swift Testing GitHub project as lots of these shortcoming are most probably tracked internally (I can see lots of references to radars in GitHub issues.) So, my question is: Is it a good idea to wait with wider adoption or should we experiment with other tools like swift Benchmarks?
Jun ’24