adding forecastNextHour to dataset significantly changes currentWeather

I have been struggling with getting accurate data from the weatherkit api. It tends to be just different enough from the weather app on the phone.

While debugging this I randomly added forecastNextHour to my dataset string and it suddenly made everything match the app and the data looked good.

For example there is at this moment a snow storm in Billings. This url:,forecastHourly,forecastNextHour&timezone=America/Denver&country=US

says that there is heavy snow, and there is a 100% chance for the next few hours. This matches the iOS app.

This url without forecastNextHour:,forecastHourly&timezone=America/Denver&country=US

Says it is hazy and there is a small chance of snow of snow for the next few hours. Like 20-30 percent. This does not match any weather data I can find.

I have even checked the forecastStart times and the current weather asOf time. They all match up and are accurate.

Is there some unknown reason that without forecastNextHour the API becomes inaccurate?


Thanks for reporting this. We are taking a look at what could cause this, but until then it looks like including forecastNextHour in your request will work around the issue.

Thanks for looking into it!

adding forecastNextHour to dataset significantly changes currentWeather