[In Chrome] Clicking "Close Button" in Apple Pay Popup doesn't fire "oncancel" callback

After opening the Apple Pay Popup and try to close the popup (without scanning the QR Code), the oncancel handler (accociated with the created session) doesn't fire.

Meanwhile if the merchant scanned the QR code and the UI of the popup changed, then cancel the popup manually (using close (X) button), it fires the session.oncancel event handler.

Here is applied setup:

  const { ApplePaySession } = window;

  if (!(ApplePaySession && ApplePaySession.canMakePayments())) {
    return new Error('Apple Pay Session is not available');

  const paymentCapabilities = await ApplePaySession.applePayCapabilities(

  if (paymentCapabilities.paymentCredentialStatus === 'applePayUnsupported') {
    console.error('ApplePaySession is not supported.');

  const request = {
    "countryCode": "KW",
    "currencyCode": "KWD",
    "merchantCapabilities": [
    "supportedNetworks": [
    "billingContact": {
        "phoneNumber": "201000000000",
        "emailAddress": "example@test.com",
        "givenName": "Ahmed",
        "familyName": "Sharkawy"
    "total": {
        "amount": "3.085",
        "label": "Merchant Testing"
  const session = new ApplePaySession(5,  request);

  session.onvalidatemerchant = async event => {
    if (debug) {
      console.info('Creating merchant session and validating merchant session');
      console.info('onvalidatemerchant event', event);
    try {
      // Validation Merchant Request
    } catch (error: any) {
      session.completePayment({ status: ApplePaySession.STATUS_FAILURE });

  session.onpaymentauthorized = async (event) => {
    session.completePayment({ status: ApplePaySession.STATUS_SUCCESS });

  // This doesn't fire
  session.oncancel = () => {
    console.info('EVENT: oncancel');

[In Chrome] Clicking "Close Button" in Apple Pay Popup doesn't fire "oncancel" callback