App Review team reporting app crashing with exit code 173

We’re encountering a strange issue with our app submission to the App Review Team. It’s a paid macOS app with no in-app purchases.

The App Review Team reports that the app fails to launch, displaying an “App is Damaged” dialog. In the Console app, they see the app exiting with code 173.

We don’t have any receipt validation code. I’ve double-checked our code and dependencies, and I don’t see exit(173) being called anywhere.

The same builds distributed through TestFlight work fine.

Our builds are generated using Xcode Cloud, and the last build was successfully tested by the App Review Team. The only difference between this build and the last successfully tested build is a one-line bug fix—none of the settings or dependencies have changed. Both builds were created and submitted using Xcode Cloud.

We’re completely stumped. Has anyone seen this behavior or have suggestions for further debugging? The problem is we can’t seem to reproduce this behaviour anywhere.

Please post the screenshot of your error here. Additionally, review TN3138: Handling App Store receipt signing certificate changes.

I have the exact same situation. Paid app, review team says it crashes with exit(173). Entire codebase is without reference to Mac App Store receipts and the exit(173). The latter was deprecated by Apple, so I implemented StoreKit2, the simple version with AppTransaction. If the "transaction" is absent or invalid, the app continues with limited features until the user "refreshes" the transaction.

This all works fine on my 3 macs. It also works fine for my other apps (universal apps in iOS and macOS store, both paid apps and free apps with IAPs).

App Review team reporting app crashing with exit code 173